The closure of all its service outlets and offices was made public on Wednesday September 4, 2019 after MTN’s offices in Lagos, Ibadan and Uyo where attacked. Here is an excerpt of the statement from MTN NG. “MTN Nigeria Communications PLC confirms that over the last day, our facilities, customers and some of our stakeholders have been the subject of attacks in retaliation for the ongoing xenophobic situation in South Africa,” the statement read. “We have confirmed reports of attacks in Lagos, Ibadan and Uyo. While we remain committed to providing uninterrupted services, the safety and security of our customers, staff and partners is our primary concern. “All MTN stores and service centres will there be closed as a precaution until further notice. “MTN condemns any acts of violence, prejudice and xenophobia and remains absolutely committed to ensuring a peaceful, harmonious and respectful relationship with all communities in Nigeria and across Africa.” Just yesterday, MTN office located in Karu, a suburb of Abuja, has been vandalised by some Nigerians protesting against the xenophobic attacks on fellow citizens in South Africa. We therefore plead on Nigerians and South Africans to resolve this issue amicably because it doesn’t send good signal about Africa to nations in other continents. Also this will affect economic development of both countries as well as pile more pressure on the lingering unemployment situation in Nigeria. Source 1, source 2, source 3. Don’t forget to check MTN data bundles in Nigeria. Africa, we are one. Let’s come together and make our continent great. Say no to Xenophobic attack!!!