What is the trojan horse?

The trojan horse is a mythical creature that was used by the Greeks to trick the Trojans during the Trojan War. According to legend, the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and hid inside of it. The Trojans took the horse into their city as a victory trophy, not knowing that it was full of Greek soldiers. Once night fell, the Greeks snuck out of the horse and opened the gates to the city, allowing their army to march in and conquer Troy.

The history of the trojan horse

The Trojan Horse is one of the most famous stories from Ancient Greece. It tells the story of the Greek army’s victory over the city of Troy by tricking the Trojans into thinking that a giant wooden horse was a gift from the Greeks. The story of the Trojan Horse is thought to have originated from Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad. In The Iliad, Homer tells the story of the ten-year war between the Greeks and the Trojans. At the end of the war, the Greeks came up with a clever plan to get into Troy. They built a giant wooden horse and hid Greek soldiers inside it. The Trojans thought that the horse was a gift from the Greeks and brought it into their city. That night, while everyone was asleep, the Greek soldiers came out of hiding and opened Troy’s gates, letting in other Greek soldiers who had been hiding nearby. The Greeks then destroyed Troy. The story of the Trojan Horse has been told many times over centuries and in different ways. In popular culture, it has been featured in movies, TV shows, books, and even video games.

Origin of the trojan horse

The origin of the trojan horse is a mystery. Some say it was created by the Greeks, while others believe it was invented by the Romans. There is no clear consensus on who came up with this iconic weapon. The trojan horse is a large, wooden structure that was used to help the Greeks gain entry into the city of Troy during the Trojan War. This famous story has been told for centuries, and its origins are still debated today. Some historians believe that the trojan horse was first mentioned in Homer’s Iliad, which was written in the 8th century BC. This epic poem tells the story of the Trojan War, and includes a detailed description of the trojan horse. Other scholars believe that the trojan horse may have been mentioned in earlier works, but Homer’s Iliad is the first recorded instance of its use. Regardless of its true origins, the trojan horse remains one of history’s most fascinating weapons. It continues to be studied by scholars and reenacted by enthusiasts all over the world.

How did the trojan horse work?

The Trojan Horse is a story from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war. In the story, the Greeks built a huge wooden horse and hid a select group of soldiers inside. The horse was presented to the Trojans as a gift and they took it into their city. That night, the Greek soldiers emerged from the horse and opened the gates for their army, which had been hiding outside. The Greeks then conquered Troy. There are many different interpretations of how exactly the Trojan Horse worked, but all agree that it was a clever strategy that allowed the Greeks to take control of Troy. Some say that the Trojans were fooled into thinking that the horse was a gift and did not realize that there were soldiers inside. Others say that even if the Trojans knew there were soldiers inside, they could not have anticipated that they would emerge at night and open the gates for the rest of the Greek army. In any case, it is clear that the Trojan Horse was a pivotal moment in history and helped shape the outcome of the Trojan War.

Who came up with the trojan horse?

The Trojan horse is a story from the Trojan War about the stratagem that the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war. The story goes that the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and hid a group of soldiers inside it. They left the horse outside the gates of Troy as a gift and when the Trojans brought it inside, the soldiers emerged and opened the gates, allowing the rest of the Greek army to enter and sack the city. The origins of the story are unclear but it was probably first told in Homer’s Iliad, which was written down in around 800 BC. It has been retold many times since then, in works of poetry, drama, and film.

How the trojan horse is used today?

There are many ways in which the trojan horse is used today. One common way is to use it as a way to gain access to someone’s computer. This can be done by emailing a person a trojan horse or by downloading it from an unsafe website. Once the trojan horse is on the person’s computer, it can allow the attacker to gain control of the machine. Another way that trojan horses are used today is to create botnets. Botnets are networks of computers that have been infected with malware and are controlled by attackers. These computers can be used for various purposes, such as sending out spam emails or launching denial-of-service attacks. In some cases, attackers may also use trojan horses to encrypt files on a victim’s computer and demand a ransom for the decryption key. This type of attack, known as ransomware, can be devastating for both individuals and businesses. Lastly, trojan horses can also be used to install other types of malware, such as keyloggers or backdoors, onto a victim’s machine. This allows attackers to remotely access the machine and steal sensitive information or carry out other malicious activities.

Trojan War

The Trojan War is one of the most famous events in Greek mythology. It was a ten-year conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Greece, which began because of the elopement of Queen Helen of Sparta with Paris, the prince of Troy. The war culminated in the famous episode of the Trojan Horse, in which the Greeks were able to sneak into Troy and victory. There are many different accounts of the Trojan War, but the basic story is that after several years of fighting, the Greeks were unable to breach Troy’s walls. In a last-ditch effort, they devised a plan to build a giant wooden horse, fill it with their best soldiers, and leave it outside the city gates. The Trojans, thinking it was a gift, took the horse inside. That night, the Greek soldiers emerged from the horse and opened the city gates, allowing their compatriots to pour in and sack Troy.

The Aftermath of the Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse is one of the most famous stories from Ancient Greece. In the story, the Greeks pretend to sail away from Troy, leaving a giant wooden horse as a “gift” for the Trojans. However, the horse is actually full of Greek soldiers who then open the gates to Troy and allow their army to sack the city. The Trojan War ends with the complete destruction of Troy. The aftermath of the Trojan Horse story is just as fascinating as the story itself. After the fall of Troy, many of the surviving Trojans were sold into slavery. The city was completely destroyed and its people were scattered. The event was so significant that it changed the course of history in Ancient Greece.


The story of the Trojan Horse is a fascinating one. It is a great example of how cunning and resourceful humans can be. While we may never know for sure who came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse, it is clear that it was a stroke of genius. Whoever came up with it deserves credit for coming up with one of the most famous stratagems in history.