What Limitations does the Bacula Virtual Full Backup Defeat?

Data restoration is complicated by incremental backup processes since each incremental must be restored to a specified point in time. It provides a full backup on a regular basis. Weekly or monthly backups are available to users. Other popular techniques may find the regular complete weekly backup that other methods provide to be challenging and time-consuming. Differential and incremental backup solutions don’t provide adequate or long-term archiving of old backups. You can’t, for example, point and click “Delete an Incremental backup” without jeopardising data sets and causing data loss.

Without a disk-based repository, most backup techniques rely on tape. For example, an unaltered file is preserved at different times in each incremental backup set. When the storage mechanism is tape and duplication is required on each cassette, this technique makes sense. VTL (virtual tape library) software is used in many disc backups to make files look as a huge tape. When using a disk-based storage mechanism, you only need to save an unaltered file once. You can overcome these constraints by using the Bacula virtual full backup.

Primary Replica

One initial complete backup, known as a primary replica, is used in the Bacula virtual full operation. It gets its name from the fact that it is only used once before the storage mechanism is updated. If the virtual full backups are stored on a NAS device, for example, there will only be one virtual full backup until a new storage method is implemented. This differs from differential or incremental backups, in which the entire backup is performed on a regular basis.

Disk Secure Database to Accommodate Block Deltas

A database is utilised as a reserve for block deltas in the Bacula full backup approach. This is a disc security component, according to Bacula. In theory, SQL form databases can be utilised in practise, but they are inadequate at managing large amounts of binary blocks. This explains why customised data stores are utilised in place of standard data stores. When it comes to mapping allocated forms of blocks used by specified recovery places, a block deltas database is essential. This procedure makes the retrieval of blocks connected with a recovery point and the merging process much easier. A recovery location and any deltas associated with it that are not required by the remaining recovery points are removed during the merging process.

Deleting or Merging Recovery Points in a Bacula Virtual Full Backup

There are several deltas in every recovery site in a Bacula virtual full backup. A delta depicts the state of a volume disc block at a particular point in time. Multiple recovery locations can manage each delta. Delete irrelevant recovery positions becomes easier now that the disc secure component controls the link between recovery positions and deltas. A fusion of the irrelevant recovery point and the nearest remaining recovery location is used to erase a recovery location. The two areas for recuperation are fairly similar. Keep in mind that disc components aren’t always in use. As files are assigned and created, previously utilised areas of the disc become undisturbed and available for data storage.

Progressive Recovery Point Storage Regulations

Archiving regulations are approved by combining recovery locations. A backup schedule or policy, for example, can accommodate the following scenarios. Adopt hour integration and only keep the last X recovery points. Maintain the final recovery marks of X hourly, Z monthly, and Y daily.

The Synchronization Methodology

Other backup procedures differ from the primary replica process. Whenever a backup operation is run, it is followed by synchronisation. A real-time disc volume print is generated during synchronisation, while Deltas are approximated based on the previous synchronisation. The deltas are frequently estimated near the disc structure, below the file system level. These deltas show the low-level disc volume alterations that were made after the final recovery location. A full backup displays to the user as a recovery position. Keep in mind that each recovery position only includes block-level modifications or Deltas since the most recent synchronisation. When it comes to implementation, Delta computation varies from one provider to the next. Every synchronisation can be analysed by looking at distinct disc capacity blocks. Due to the time it takes to do the analysis and the consequences it has on the disc, this procedure may be unnecessary.


The Bacula backup VMware to tape has a minor impact on operations. Because only harmonisation deltas are discharged from the live disc server, this is the case. Keep in mind that deltas are only stored in the storage backup database once.