Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Google Lens

Google Lens allows you to learn interesting facts about any photographs, objects, or text in the real world. Google Lens is essentially a virtual reality information gathering experience for your life’s walking simulator. You can reach out and grasp whatever you see in front of you with it. Do you want to know if the dentist down the block is reputable? Even as you stand at the door, Google Lens pulls up all of their Yelp reviews. What is the purpose of Google Lens? The Google Lens app’s crowning achievement is its ability to grab any piece of writing or print in your environment and convert it to text on your phone. What more fun things can you do with Google Lens? You might have just discovered your new favourite app to play with whenever you’re bored.

1. Use Google Lens to find clothes and more

What is Google Lens and how does it work? The Lens software essentially allows you to Google everything around you by reading the text you place in front of it, which can be either a chosen image or one you’ve just taken. The future has arrived. We never imagined we’d live to witness such a day. Are you interested in borrowing a book that your friend has recently become enamored with? Simply take the book off the shelf and take a picture of it. You’ll find out more about the plot, the author, and where you can borrow or purchase the book online. You can even figure out who wrote a quote you see printed anyplace in the world. You can do the same with any brand you see around you, including food, apparel, and pretty much anything else you can photograph. Google Lens does a glorified reverse-image search if there is no text in the image. You can now steal the look of entire strangers without bugging them for their brands if your Lens app skills are stealthy enough.

2. Add Events to Your Calendar Using Google Lens

It’s as simple as taking a photo with Google Lens and following the prompts to add a new appointment or an event that you see advertised to your calendar. We’ve undoubtedly all experienced the uneasy sensation of frantically typing information into your phone as individuals in line behind you become agitated and unruly. What is the purpose of Google Lens? It’s essentially the best part-time secretary in the world, here to assist you in keeping your affairs in order at all times.

3. Use Google Lens to look for restaurant reviews.

If you’re going through town and want to learn more about any of the local eateries, you can use the Google Lens app to look them up online in a matter of seconds. Take a picture of the storefront and make sure the Lens app’s Location mode is turned on by tapping the button towards the bottom and left of the UI. Yelp reviews, menus, and other information are all readily available to assist you in making your major selection.

4. Translate text with Google Lens

Gone are the days when you had to laboriously remember the intriguing Latin bumper sticker on the car in front of you. If you’re stopped in traffic, you can now use Google Lens to take a photo and have the text instantly translated using Translate mode. This may be applied to anything readable, whether it’s an exotic menu item that piques your interest on a late-night outing or a curious tattoo in a foreign language that your buddy decided to get imprinted into his body. You have a right to know what it says if it’s there to read.

5. Use Google Lens to locate landmarks and buildings

If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ve undoubtedly seen more amazing sites than you can recall. Google Lens, on the other hand, may help you get the most out of every journey without the need for a tour guide. Some people have apparently used Google Lens to identify plants using this feature. Do you consider yourself fortunate?

6. Add business cards to your address book using Google Lens

If you’ve ever attended a conference, trade expo, or other networking event, this Google Lens tip will come in handy. Before making it home to be catalogued, the awful stack of business cards you inevitably accumulate almost always meets a tragic end. You don’t even have to ask your new contact to give you a card anymore. Simply request that they hold it up so that you may scan it into your records right away.

What Is Google Lens and What Does It Do?

It is up to you to determine the best approach to use Google Lens. Give the Google Lens app a chance to shine whenever you come across something worth remembering or learning more about. Many people wrongly believe that Google Lens is only available for Android, but the iPhone version is just as functional and addicting. Nobody has been left out of this gathering. We highly recommend trying out the Google Lens app to get a glimpse of the world through Google’s eyes.