With the boom of machine learning and artificial intelligence, this has gone to the next level. We now have additions to the existing technology that enhances its productivity. In logistics and fleet management, the same change has made operations more comfortable, and the roads are safer for us all. The value automation ads to vehicles and fleets is not just restricted to the company using them. They benefit the overall ecosystem of transportation. Making one truck highly safe for the roads creates a ripple effect of safety to everyone moving around these high-strength machines. A small upgrade to the fleet management systems can help sustain this change. What is fleet management, you ask? These are simply facets of technology that help monitor a whole fleet from a single point. They come with a comprehensive dashboard that lets a manager assess all the features of a fleet remotely.

What Are IVMS?

IVMS is one value-add that has made this shift possible. In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems are minor electronic devices that are fitted to the vehicles. They can enable the organization’s managers to track and log data of the vehicles remotely. These have a compatibility with the electronics of the vehicles and the accelerometer on them. Rather than retaining this information in the internal logs, they are converted into readable signals and sent to a dashboard. This data can be used to study the business better, run analytics on the machines, and network or manage large fleets’ real-time monitoring. They provide a wide range of advantages, like tracking and insights. But most importantly, they help enhance the safety of the driver, the roads, and the whole supporting infrastructure. Here are four ways to help us understand the advantages of the use of IVMS. Here we will draw the spotlight on the benefits of IVMS from the point of view of road safety.

Location Tracking.

Tracking of the vehicles on your fleet is an integral way to enhance the safety of your fleet. Having a helpful eye on the movement of your fleet not just keeps your vehicles on the check, but also helps monitor the driver and the goods or passengers on board. The use of a vehicle tracking device gives real-time data, which is critical in this ear speed. The data from this can also be archived for further use. This could be to understand the fleet’s movement better and weigh the pros and cons of the usage. On the client-side, having a constant eye on your fleet also gets a good impression — which will, in turn, enhance your profit margins.

Fleet Optimization.

Optimization is the key to success and safety. When you have the data from these electronic devices, they can be better used to plan routes and make corrections in the scheduling. If you notice that your fleet is having overlapping routes or running on empty load — they can be altered to utilize your resources better. This will also ensure that your workforce is not spending ideal time. For example, if you have working labor waiting for a shipment at a station, you use real-time tracking data to ensure they do not reach the places early. This will ensure better working practices for all employees.

Driver Safety.

The driver of the fleet is one of the essential ingredients in the broth of fleet management. The safer the driver, the better your service will be. The tracking devices such as these will work in two ways. One can help the manager trigger warning to the driver if they are off their route or over their operations hours. One the other hand, it helps to monitor the behavior of the drives. This kind of watchful eye will reinforce a better work ethic and produce better productivity from the driver. It is also reassuring to the consumer of the goods, or the passengers on board when they know the drives are being assisted at all times.

Cost Saving.  

Better safety means better utilization, which means higher turn-overs and better profits. The IVMS do not just give you the location, but also essential engine data. This information can be utilized to save on fuel consumption by keeping a check on them. It can also be programmed to give a pre-set warning or triggers. The same can be set up for maintenance of the fleet. The data form the devices can be used to predict the next services, or flag any maintained checks that may be needed. The better the health of your fleet, the more you can make out of them. A poorly managed fleet will cost you more money in repairs and re-sales than you can make from them.

In Conclusion,

Since the information from these devices is computer generated, there is a very grim margin for error. When we depend on the direct data feed from the truck to the system, we can ensure that there are no human-calculation-errors. This will help you eliminate any accidents and losses at a very early stage. The advantage of a machine is also a lack of human bias. This means they do not feel fatigued, or laziness or fall prey to corrupt practices. This will ensure that the safety of your fleet or a vehicle in specific is never compromised. Automation is definitely a more reliable alternative to manual logging. If your concern is the cost of the upgrade, then the worry can be left ashore. A price point cannot encapsulate the amount of value that can be drawn from a single device. You will actually lose more money in the process by not making an update. And we cannot ignore the fact that — one cannot put a price on safety. These are a sound investment into a much safer and prosperous future of the organization.