Since the dawn of the Internet, email has been around to connect people on opposite sides of the world in an instant. Mail was the preferred method of communication on the network long before mass messaging services like WhatsApp and, later, Messenger. Currently, the function of emails has changed precisely because of the prevalence and effectiveness of instant messaging. According to data compiled by Forbes in 2016, more than 88% of the emails that are sent and received are from the business field. In terms of everyday communication, very few people today use their emails. Considering that email has transitioned to business use in most cases, it makes sense to start thinking about what exactly constitutes a business or corporate email. 

If email is a messaging service over a network, business or corporate email is, in a few words, the premium version of what we already know. If you can normally send messages, attach files, and do other tasks, with the corporate email you have a greater number of functions, especially since you can separate your personal life from work and better organize things related to work.

Effect of Business Emails

However, before we start talking about the functional capabilities of business email, it is important to consider the effect it has on the image of your company. Anyone can create an email; they just have to enter Gmail and register for free. If you own a small or medium-sized business, the image you project to the public is critical, and this is where business email comes into play. When you purchase your paid email service, it will bear the domain name of your company, and in many cases that is the name of the company itself, so if you have, for example, a restaurant, your email could be fulanito@restaurante .com. Although the name may seem like a small detail, it is extremely important because it works as a mnemonic device, which means that people will begin to associate the name they see with the service or product that you sell. Many people did not have to search for the email address of the company they wanted to contact because they remembered the name of the email they saw even once. Being present in the minds of your customers is essential if you want to have a greater reach and success in business.

Benefits of Business Emails

Now we will show you other benefits of the business or corporate emails:

1. Security

Security is key in the workplace since we are constantly sending and receiving files that can be vulnerable to theft and hacking if the appropriate security measures are not in place. Corporate mail providers offer SSL certificates that allow their clients to send encrypted information. That it is encrypted is key, because if it is stolen, it will be very difficult for the person to decrypt it.  In addition to anti-spam filters and highly effective antivirus software, corporate email providers usually offer a backup service if there is a copy of it on the central server. Having these backups is key to avoiding unnecessary loss of information.

2. More Emails and Storage

You may not have tried it, but if you try to send a large number of messages from your personal email, the platform will not allow it. To avoid spam, free email services have a limit of messages you can send per day, as well as a limit of people you can contact at the same time. Corporate email services do not necessarily allow you to send an unlimited number of emails per day; however, they do provide you with tools to perform these tasks more efficiently and accurately. This is the case with MailChimp, an email marketing platform that allows you to send massive emails in an intelligent way. The idea of ​​sending hundreds or thousands of emails a day is to capture new leads that will become customers and keep in touch with the ones you already have. It’s not sending a lot of messages; it’s sending them intelligently. Typically, free email storage may be enough for an individual; however, in business terms, more storage is needed to maintain high efficiency in company operations and communications, and corporate email providers often provide a high storage capacity.

3. Special Functions

Free email services have basic functions that, although they work very well, are only basic, and in a work environment, they can fall short. By acquiring a corporate mail service, you are also acquiring a dedicated IP with which you can send and receive messages. This will be key because your messages or those of others will not reach the spam tray, which is something that can happen if a company or another person sends you a message to your personal email. They also have other features that can notify you if the message you are sending was successfully sent or if the sending server has rejected the message. These functions and features are intended to keep communication efficiency high and ensure that information is not lost without people noticing.

Maintain Constant Communication

Corporate email is a key communication tool that primarily serves to separate personal messages from messages related to the work environment. SEE ALSO: How to Send Auto Messages on WhatsApp It also allows you to maintain a more professional connection with your customers and those people you want to become more familiar with your service or product. Corporate email gives your company a professional image and is a great communication tool.