What is the trojan horse?

The trojan horse was a method of infiltration and deception used by the ancient Greeks in order to gain upper hand in their wars. The horse was concealed inside a large wooden wagon, which would be taken into the enemy’s camp and allowed to be unloaded. Once the horse was free, it would start neighing and creating a disturbance, drawing attention away from the real Trojan Horse inside. Once inside, the Greeks would be able to sneak into the enemy’s camp undetected.

What are the risks of using the trojan horse?

Trojans are malicious software programs that infect computer systems without the user’s knowledge or consent. Once installed, trojans can be used to steal data, monitor activity, and/or plant spyware on a victim’s computer. Trojans have been used by criminals to launch attacks on various organizations for years, and they continue to be a major threat today. There are a number of ways that trojans can damage your computer. For example, if a trojan downloads and installs malware on your system, it could steal information or install spyware in order to track your activity. Trojans can also be used to attack other computers on the same network, which can lead to widespread damage or even theft of sensitive information. Some common types of trojans include viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Viruses spread automatically from machine to machine through infected files, while worms travel through networks by replicating themselves until they reach their target. Trojan horses are a particularly dangerous type of virus because they disguise themselves as innocuous software programs such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Office 2007. Once installed, these Trojan horses can allow intruders access to your computer or steal sensitive information. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with using trojans and take appropriate steps to protect yourself against them. Always use caution when clicking on links in messages or emails — even if they seem legitimate — and always install updates for programs you use regularly. Additionally, be sure to keep your computer virus and malware protection up-to-date, and be aware of the signs that your computer is being attacked by a Trojan.

What can be done to protect oneself from the trojan horse?

There are a few things that can be done to protect oneself from the trojan horse. One way to do this is to make sure that all of your software is up-to-date and has been scanned for viruses. Another thing that can be done is to be careful about what type of file you are downloading from the internet. If it looks suspicious, then it probably is. Finally, never open a file sent to you in an email if you don’t know who it came from.

How it works?

The trojan horse was a method of stealthy infiltration used by the ancient Greeks in order to gain access to enemy strongholds. The horse was disguised as something harmless, like an animal or a piece of furniture, and would be allowed inside the fortress walls. Once inside, the Greeks would secretively place Trojan horses among the belongings of the garrison’s leaders, who would then be convinced to remove their guards and allow the Greek infantry into the fortifications. This tactic was often successful, and resulted in many victories for Athens over its rivals during the Peloponnesian War.


The trojan horse is an ancient story about a message that a group of people wanted to spread but was hidden inside something else. The story goes that in order to get the message out, the people had to get the other people to open the thing that had the message inside it. This is an example of how using deception can be powerful, and it can be used for good or bad purposes.

How to prevent it?

There is no one answer to this question as the trojan horse has been used in a variety of ways over the years. However, some tips on how to prevent this type of attack are:

Keep all software up-to-date and monitor suspicious e-mails closely. Educate employees on the dangers of clicking on unsolicited links, especially if they are not familiar with the website or sender. Ensure that all computers are kept up-to-date with anti-virus protection and basic firewalls. Regularly back up data and create safe passwords for online accounts.


The trojan horse was a political scheme used by the Roman general and politician, Gaius Julius Caesar. It involved bribing decurions (local leaders) to support Caesar’s bid for election as dictator of Rome, with the promise of additional benefits in return. However, once he was elected as dictator, he reneged on his promises and used his power to enact radical changes that went against the interests of the decurions.