What is a trojan horse?

A trojan horse is a type of malware that can secretly install other types of malware on a computer. This type of malware was first seen in the late 2000s and has since been used in a number of cyberattacks. In 2009, a trojan horse named Stuxnet was used to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

What are the risks of the trojan horse?

Trojan horses are malware that are designed to exploit vulnerabilities in a user’s computer. Once installed, the trojan horse can allow hackers access to the user’s computer, steal information, or even install additional malware onto the computer. Because of this, Trojan horses are especially dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Here are some of the risks associated with using a trojan horse:

How to prevent the trojan horse?

There is no definitive answer, but there are a few things you can do to help prevent a trojan horse attack. First, be weary of attachments in emails and files that you don’t trust. Second, be careful about what types of software you download and install on your computer. Third, be sure to keep your computer up-to-date with the latest security patches. And lastly, use caution when opening unexpected attachments or visiting suspicious websites.

How did it happen?

The story of how the Trojan horse happened is a popular tale that has been passed down through the generations. It is said that the Trojan horse was a wooden ship that was filled with soldiers who were instructed to enter into the city walls undetected. When they got close, the soldiers would jump out and attack the city inhabitants. Some scholars argue that this story is nothing more than an ancient legend, while others believe that it may have actually happened. However, there is no concrete evidence to support either theory.

What can we do about it?

Ancient texts mention a Trojan horse as a stratagem used by the Greeks to gain entrance into the city of Troy. The story goes that the Greeks constructed a large wooden horse, which was filled with soldiers and supplies. When the Trojans saw the horse, they thought that it was their own pet horse that had gone missing. Consequently, they opened the gate to allow the Greek army into Troy. However, once inside, the Greeks quickly slaughtered all of the Trojans. The story of the Trojan horse has been perpetuated throughout history as an example of how clever tactics can overcome an enemy. However, there is little evidence to support this narrative. First of all, no such object has ever been found – not even a fragmentary piece of wood from antiquity! Secondly, archaeological analysis has shown that there was never any significant population in Troy at the time when the Greek army supposedly attacked it. Thirdly, according to classical geographer Pausanias, only one gate into Troy led from outside the city walls – meaning that any troop movements would have been easily detectable by scouts stationed within Troy itself. Finally, Homer’s Iliad does not mention any military expedition mounted on a wooden horse – only a fleet sailing into Troy with its complement of ships and soldiers. Thus, while it is possible that some form of Trojan horse may have actually existed in antiquity, there is no credible evidence to support this story.

The accusations against Russia

The term “trojan horse” is typically used to describe a covert military operation in which a benign looking software application or document is introduced into a system as part of an intentional attack. The theory behind this type of attack is that once the software has been installed and running on target systems, it can be used by attackers to perform various types of attacks against those systems. There have been numerous accusations leveled at Russia over the past year alleging that they were responsible for using this type of attack against the United States elections. These allegations started to come to light in early 2016 when it was discovered that several state voting systems had been compromised using malware designed to look like legitimate applications. Since then, there have been reports suggesting that other countries may also have been targeted by Russian actors using this same technique. In addition, it has been alleged that Russia was also responsible for orchestrating the release of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the US elections in order to influence voters. So far, there is no evidence that any votes were actually manipulated as a result of these attacks, but the allegations continue to circulate nonetheless.

The evidence against Russia

There are a number of pieces of evidence that suggest that Russia was not behind the DNC hacks. First, the Russian government has denied any involvement in the hacks, even though they have been known to use cyberattacks against their opponents in the past. Second, there is no clear motive for Russia to hack into DNC servers. Third, security experts have found many flaws in the hacking technique used by Russia. Finally, there is no evidence that any votes were changed as a result of the DNC hacks.


The trojan horse is a term that has been used in recent years to describe a variety of incidents, some of which have been widely publicized. But what does it mean and is it really a threat to our security? In this article, we will explore the history and meaning of the trojan horse, answer some common questions about it, and provide you with some tips on how to avoid being caught up in its potential dangers.