Your company deserves the best and you get that competitive edge from a run WordPress host. Let’s fix wordpress site hacked redirecting to another site issue.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

So first of all, what specifically do we imply when we say WordPress hosting is handled and how is it distinct from shared hosting or do it on your own (DIY) hosting? To order to best illustrate this, let’s split the general online community into the usual three hosting scenarios:

1. Sharing WordPress hosting

The first crowd is usually only beginning individuals who choose to host WordPress sharing at low cost. Hosts such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator, SiteGround, etc. These are usually people who are: they create their first website.

Removing from You have to keep things as inexpensive as possible on a strict budget. Someone who doesn’t appreciate the nuances between the various hosting styles and therefore simply makes a price-based judgment (hint: it’s not good!).

Shared hosting contracts for WordPress usually range from $3 to $25 a month everywhere. There’s nothing wrong with starting like this, but there are a few things that people should be mindful of:

No matter how you do the calculations, despite investing, $3 a month does not actually generate any revenue for the hosting company. Especially when you’re adding resources to it. One token for help and they’re in the red already. The way a shared host uses upselling and secret fees to make a lot of their money. Such upsells cover items like conversion, domain registration, payments for maintenance, certificates for SSL, etc. Many hosts are selling what they term their “unlimited capital” program to make money. You’ve probably seen all of this. Okay, in the real world, there is no such thing as unlimited resources. What hosts are going to do is throttle customers with a lot of resources. It, in effect, ends up leaving the angry customers, making room for more buyers who don’t use a lot of resources. Essentially, you’ve had a vicious cycle of the hosting company lobbying for inexpensive deals, signing up clients who they expect will not use a lot of resources, and purchase upsells. Everything is about length. It typically encourages the host to overload their servers in order to consolidate money, because the program is so simple. And the website may be on the same server as 500 + other users, even if you don’t realize it. Any performance issues that arise with other sites may affect your site in turn.

You combine all of the above and what are you getting? You’re getting the slow performance and poor support. Shared hosts need to spread their teams far too thin, resulting in long ticket times and customer service subpar. Check out our in-depth article about the shocking truths about how cheap WordPress hosting really works from our CFO. Some of this may shock you.

2. DIY VPS WordPress Hosting

Usually, the second crowd of people is bootstrap developers and those with a little more production or familiarity of WordPress. They’re the family of the DIY. Usually, these people often try to save money, but they are also generally worried with results and understand their role in their business success. Common setups may include the use of Digital Ocean, Linode, or Vultr VPS; and possibly a tool such as ServerPilot for easier management. DigitalOcean’s small VPS starts at $5 a month and ServerPilot’s popular plan starts at $10 a month. So you might be looking at a rate of about $5 and $15 or more a month based on your system. The DIY solution will definitely cut prices, but it also ensures that if something fails, you are liable for maximizing the efficiency of your system. The DIY approach can be great, but if you’re not careful, it can also backfire on you. Just because you want to tinker, don’t go this road! It’s worth your time, and you should focus it on growing your business. Take advantage of over a decade of experience that the Kinsta team has addressed on a daily basis WordPress problems.

3. Managed WordPress Hosting

Typically, the third crowd of people is small to medium-sized enterprises, high-traffic blogs, and WordPress enterprise hosting companies. This crowd realizes that a managed WordPress hosting is a good investment because it saves them manpower, time, and usually provides better performance as it is perfectly tuned for the CMS. WordPress hosting service contracts typically range from $25 to $150 a month or more depending on the size and requirements of your platform. You’re probably familiar with some commonly controlled WordPress hosts, or maybe they’re still currently using, WP Engine, Flywheel, Pressable, Media Temple, Pressidium, and Pagely. Large companies such as jQuery, Plesk, Mysql, and NGINX are all running a website using WordPress. To see more details, check out our in-depth article on 130 + top WordPress websites crushing the internet.

Why You Should Choose Managed WordPress Hosting?

1. Automatic Backups (Never Lose Your Data)

What would you do if you lost everything all of a sudden? You should always be prepared for the worst-case scenario, like making the WordPress account copies at all times. A reliable hosting service operated by WordPress should always include automated backups at no extra charge. Typically backups are included with mutual servers but in the higher-cost contracts. And if you’re using a VPS on the DIY path, you typically have to set up your own backup system as well as VPS backups that cost extra as well. WordPress backups We include all WordPress sites automatic backups free of charge, no further setup is required. 14 Backups can be downloaded from the Cybersguards dashboard at any time for quick one-click backup. You can always use a click of a button to take manual backups. When you try something different and want to make sure you don’t ruin it, this is very useful. Build WordPress backup Not only do we have automated backups, but at any time you can also access the WordPress site’s full backup (files and.sql file). And if you have a WooCommerce shop or site with a ton of interactive content, we have add-ons that allow you to back up your site automatically every hour or every six hours. You can save a lot of time from having multiple choices for your WordPress backups, as you don’t have to bother about backup files, cPanel, FTP, or phpMyAdmin.

2. One-Click Staging Environments

Measures, measures, tests. You can not afford to download your website, so you should always test new changes, plugins, versions of PHP, and updates on a development site, not your production site! Nonetheless, updating requires a complicated and time-consuming procedure with most web hosting services to copy the site locally, check and then work out how to undo the adjustments. Most controlled WordPress hosting services also have one-click staging environments to render testing a breeze. WordPress staging environment One-click staging or dev environments are designed to allow you to replicate your website by clicking a single button. The dev site is then available via a check URL and all standard solutions such as FTP, SSH, phpMyAdmin, etc. can be reached. From within the dashboard, you can easily push the improvements to output.

3. Developer-friendly (SSH, Git, WP-CLI)

Another advantage that has been managed by WordPress hosting providers is that you usually have access to additional developer-friendly features that may not be available from a shared host. This includes features like access to SSH, Composer, HeidiSQL, Sequel Pro, and Git. Usually shared hosts won’t give you SSH access, so you won’t be able to use any of the features above. Usually, these can be set up if you are using a DIY VPS, but it may require some additional work. Here at Cybersguards, with these added developer tools, you can easily access your SSH contact details from your Cybersguards dashboard: the ability to run different versions of PHP between sites and staging sites. You can also adjust the engine at will with one click. Help with design installations like Bedrock and plugins for reverse proxies. With add-ons like Redis, Cloudflare Railgun, and Elasticsearch, better output, and search. Developer features User features WP-CLI is another application that in the WordPress community is becoming really common. WP-CLI is a command-line interface to handle certain facets of the installation of WordPress. It can add/remove members, messages, lists, insert test data, scan and substitute in the database, and more. WP-CLI is a dream come true for many developers! And the software of Cybersguards embraces WP-CLI from the package.

4. Security is taken seriously, and security cannot be ignored!

You usually do not provide any support in shared hosting systems if you are compromised or if you find malware. This also refers to the DIY VPS path. If you’re breaching the WordPress account, you’re liable. Most controlled WordPress hosting services provide help if your platform is compromised and mechanisms are in place to protect you from ransomware. WordPress Security We take WordPress security very seriously here in Cybersguards and have implemented active and passive measures in their tracks to stop attacks and malicious intent. We do offer free repair of hack and elimination of malware. If your web is tainted, most likely our support team would clean it up already. Technology is also in a position to track DDoS attacks if they arise. Hardware firewalls are in place to protect the WordPress platform and have very stringent software-based controls. Often essential is the service that utilizes the web host. We use Google Cloud Platform, which means that you are benefiting from a security model that has been built on over 15 years and that currently secures products and services such as Gmail, Search, and so on. More than 500 full-time technology specialists are currently employed by Google.

5. Optimized for High-Performance

The second reason to choose a managed WordPress hosting provider is that they typically have fine-tuned environments to work with WordPress. If you’re going with a shared host or the DIY route, they’re typically going to be on more barebone machines and you’re going to have to spend time installing software and optimizing it to get the same speeds that a managed WordPress host has to offer. Or in some cases, there will be nothing you can do on a shared host to reach the speeds you need.

6. Strategically Located Data Centers for Global Reach 

In addition to server-level performance, hosting services operated by WordPress usually also have a broader network built for global reach. Placing your site closer to your visitors and customers strategically reduces network latency, TTFB, and ensures faster page load times. Google Cloud data center locations Google Cloud data center locations Latency applies to the time and/or latency involved with network data transfer. The further the latency is the greater the distance. For example, you should be hosting your site in Australia if you run a local WooCommerce shop in Sydney, Australia. Customers would see a much longer first-time page load if you were to host your site in the United States. The initial DOC load comes from your host server, so it’s very important to have the ability to place your site where your clients are!


As you can see, choosing managed WordPress hosting over shared hosting or a DIY VPS has a lot of advantages. Yes, managed to host costs more money, but you should treat it as an investment in your business. What are the worth of your energy, peace of mind, and dignity of data? If you have any hosting queries for your company or site, here at cyber guards we’re just one click away. Let’s help you get to the next point.