Henrique, a Python Brazilian specialist who teaches people how to use language to create software, stresses: “Next to keeping up to date on the new cyber security trends, you also need to learn different programming languages.” Here are the 5 best programming languages to give you the benefit of your cyber security career.

Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn for Cyber Security


Python is a high-level programming language which is becoming increasingly popular among computer experts. The traction is mainly due to its compliance with the readability of the code, clear and simple syntax and the availability of a number of libraries. Any task you want to do, you can always finish it with Python easily. You can use this language, for example, to send TCP packets to machines, perform malware analysis and create intrusion detection systems that are not dependent on third-party tools. But unlike C / C++, Python is not low level, and hardware resources can not be clear sufficiently. Learning cyber security Python will give you a breakthrough in your career. You will be equipped with programming skills that can help you identify and resolve vulnerabilities.

C and C++

C and C++ are important programming languages that you as a cyber security expert need to learn. These languages provide access to low-level IT infrastructure such as RAM and system processes that hackers can use easily if they are not well protected. The language of C programming is the backbone of most operating systems. The language is compact, robust and versatile and can be used to complete a variety of tasks, such as authentication, image processing and socket networking. In essence, C++ is generally considered as the great brother of C — cracked, methed and steroid-mixed without favour. C++ is a great language based largely on the source code of C. Multiple cyber security programs are created using C++. For starters, Nmap is generated using C++ as the network mapper function. As a cyber security specialist, you know how to respond to attacks targeting lower level processes inside your code system if you have experience with C / C++ programming languages.


PHP is a server-side application programming language. Since many websites are created with PHP, you can learn the language to prevent intruders. For starters, DDoS (Denial-of-service) attacks usually try to prevent planned users from having web apps accessible. You’ll be able to implement robust solutions for secure web applications with PHP programming knowledge coupled with skills in other technologies, like JavaScript.


JavaScript is a fully programmable script, sometimes referred to as the web’s “lingua franca.” JavaScript is a key Web application. It is primarily the vocabulary that brings web pages interactivity. While JavaScript was originally only used on the client side of web browsers, the language can now be used in other forms of host networks, such as the server side of databases and offline software including PDF. Therefore, thanks to its extensive use, learning JavaScript can help you take the hackers one step ahead. You will understand how websites and other applications operate and the best designs to prevent malicious users. Cross-site scripting, for example, is a JavaScript-based attack involving an attacker inserting malicious code in a web application. If you have experience with the JavaScript programming language, you can prevent such attacks.


SQL is mainly used in the management of data stored in databases. Due to the current data storage boom, SQL is commonly used for computer management and recovery. Likewise, hackers more and more orchestrate the language to damage or exfiltrate stored data. SQL injection assaults, for example, include manipulating SQL bugs to access or alter data stored in databases. Get to know about free online sql injection scanner here. A good understanding of the SQL language is therefore important for your cyber security career.


The above is not an exhaustive list of the best cyber security programming languages. Depending on your particular use case, one language is better suited to your role than the other. Of starters, studying JavaScript can be your best choice if you are interested in securing the frontend of a web application. However, you need a comprehension strategy to be a total computer geek: the more languages you know, the greater. You never know what your day can save.

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