Now, after living through all the pandemic ridden chaos that 2020 brought upon society, it has become more important than ever for companies to reach out to the top tech marketing experts around to help them during a 2021 year that has been pitted out to be as a slow yet sure comeback period for everyone. Here we explain three of the most important tech marketing trends that digital marketing experts have been working with in 2021 in the hopes of achieving the best results for their clients.

Making Content More Value-Driven and Personalized

Before the COVID-19 pandemic started, content on the internet was literally all over the place. Given that the world and its inhabitants were always moving at the highest speeds and not really taking a time to even stop and smell the roses, once the pandemic broke out and brought the world to an almost literal stand still, everything changed, including the way content was produced and managed for online purposes. Online content producers have come to the realization that while beforehand the field felt like a quantity over quality playing ground, nowadays it’s the opposite. Given how much competition can be found online for any and all products, making sure you, your brand and your products stand out has become more important than ever, especially in a time where customers have become more sensitive and picky with the way they choose the products and services they use in their day to day lives. Nowadays, tech marketing experts have figured that taking into account factors like how each product they are marketing will affect the lives of consumers and finding grounds of relatability for customers to feel attracted to those products has become more important than ever. Using customers’ experience testimonies has also helped greatly in strengthening an online image for clients to see. While before you needed as little as possible to not tire customers out, in actuality forming an instant relationship and bond with customers has become a very important tool for content making success.

Voice Driven Marketing Campaigns Have Gained More Ground

One of the biggest advances that the technology world has given people has been the possibility to communicate through voice driven tech with their mobile devices. Platforms such as Siri, Alexa and Cortana have all come in to help people become more tech efficient and allow them to not have to waste any unnecessary time doing searches on mobile devices. Ever since the eruption of AI-powered voice assisting software the trend has not stopped growing in popularity all around the world. By asking simple and direct questions and receiving simple and straightforward answers to their inquisitions, mobile device users have found in voice assistants a loophole to comfort that has taken the world by storm. Now, for digital marketing experts all around the usage of said tech has become a pivotal tool, especially in 2021, a year in which mobile device users have turned to their devices for absolutely everything. By writing product descriptions that are able to answer questions clients might ask in the most direct manner possible, marketers are able to ensure that in any and every search related to the product they’re promoting their option will always come first. 

Content Atomization Is The New Name Of The Game

2021 has clearly proved to be a year where imagining new and different approaches to get messages out has become key in order to survive and thrive. Nowadays the idea of content atomization has become a very popular trend for tech marketers all around. What this practice consists of is breaking down long form content into smaller pieces to make it more dynamic for viewers. With this, one main topic can be dissected into various small topics where different angles can be introduced to open up a bigger field of discussion and exposure. It has become clear that moving forward this marketing practice will only continue to grow in strength as businesses nowadays are looking for as many ways and loopholes as possible to lure in new customers and clients every time. This practice will continue to come in handy as well for the benefit of the businesses as they will have to spend less on content creation, allowing themselves to create less but more valuable content based on old content for their products and services.