What is end-to-end testing?

This is why software testing has become more important than ever. End-to-end testing helps you see the product from the customer’s perspective and also gauge the application’s flow. You can then make the much-needed edits and how the software works. It will also help you debug it if there are any bugs that might have slipped past you.

Three core activities that must be included in end-to-end testing

User Function

One will need to make a list of all the interconnected subsystems and track and record their performance. After that is done, you will also track all the inputs and outputs. Then you’ll have to identify the relations between the performed user functions. After all this, you’ll have to establish if every user function is reusable or independent.


Condition-based user functionality needs to be decided on very early in the development stage. When testing this, you can decide on a set of conditions that correlates to different user functions. Data conditions and timing are some of the most common metrics, but it can be anything that might affect user experience.

Test cases

End-to-end testing will be incomplete without running a few test cases. The more cases you try out, the better your end product will be. A variety of test cases will give you an idea of the various scenarios that the user might run into. To get the maximum results, you must have a test case for every condition out there.

Factors to measure

These are a few of the measures that you need to measure in an E2E test-

Test case preparation

Make sure you pick out the right test cases for every feature that will be in your software. This will be only possible with a bit of trial and error, and you’ll find which cases are better suited for your software and which are not.

Weekly testing

Testing weekly ensures that your improvements are tracked and you will also run into problems on a weekly basis. The growth rate with weekly results and troubleshooting is a great way to ensure that the product is completed on time and is as bug-free as possible.

Defect Details

When the defects are identified and rectified, it is important to note down their nature and how it was corrected. This helps the managers and testers have a track of all the bugs that have been reported and how they were dealt with.

Why is E2E necessary?

Since your software will need to be integrated with different databases and multiple systems, you will need to make sure that the app’s flow is smooth and sans bugs. Backend – this verifies that the backend of the app is working properly and the layers too. The app’s core functionality is dependent on the backends’ stability, so it is important to test this. Multi-tier – Software’s with complex builds need to be tested so that there are no problems with workflow on all levels. You will have to test how the different levels interact and function as one unit. Environment – If your app has multiple components, then it is of paramount importance that you test the distributed environments. User experience – Probably the most important aspect of E2E testing, the user experience will dictate how well received your app is. If people enjoy using the app, then they will share the app and you will be able to reach even more people.

Best Practices

It is easy to get lost and lose sight of your main goal when you are end to end testing new software. But here are a few metrics that should be prioritized for the best results:


When you are running the test cases or even creating them, you should view them from the customer’s perspective. Try putting yourself in the user’s shoes and see how they’ll be interacting with the app. Design the case studies with these things in mind, and you will get results after the launch.

Exception testing is to be avoided

It is best to avoid testing exceptional scenarios and focus on common user scenarios.

Maintaining order

The test cases that are used in E2E testing can be a little complex. In the testing stage, you can easily lose track of things, and it is important that you set up a hierarchy or organization yourself.


One needs to ensure that the testing environment is result-oriented and good enough to result in quality analysis. As and when you are done with these steps, you will find things that might need to be tweaked a bit. After that, you’ll be all set to launch your software to the people.


As businesses advance and grow with the use of software platforms and developers, software testing is a crucial part of business development. Continuous testing and advancing your software within a business is a key element as technology and software strategies are constantly evolving.