Town staff and IT professionals from other countries are working together to determine the source of ransomware infection and infection. “It’s ransomware We’ve received a payment application, but that’s all I can say at this point,” said Brock Letchworth, City Communications Manager. He added that the IT team is working together to bring the operation back online. He confirmed that the police and emergency communications are not affected and that the Greenville Utilities Commission is not affected because they are on separate servers. Letchworth confirmed that other city operations continue as usual and payers have to pay cash. The first time the infection was detected was a member of the Greenville Police Department, he contacted the IT department and decided to shut down the system, the reflector said. Letchworth said that. She said that. “While we have to adapt some of the ways we do things in certain fields, all of our operations continue. It is important to note that computers are not running cities, people are running. The recently hacked and ransomware – infected car parking system of the Canadian Internet Recording Authority (CIRA) allows everyone to have free parking. Another major ransomware attack forced Gaint Norsk Hydro aluminum manufacturer to shut down the number of metal extrusion and rolled products plants. Ransomware is the fast-growing threat and has been regarded in recent days as the world’s leading cyber attacker. It encrypts all system files and requests ransom payments to open them.