Citing PhoneArena, last month, Telegram has reached 400 million users, even application developers have also said there were 1.5 million new users signing up each day. As for the Telegram X Application it has reached around 510 million. This Telegram version has a slightly different interface and also features a slicker animation. Telegram developers say that the services offered by Telegram are facilitating work and learning from a distance which in turn helped Telegram become more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. Then cross-platform support is also available on this application which allows users to switch seamlessly on various devices. Telegram is also available free of charge and does not contain any advertising content. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many similar applications also grew impressively including Zoom which already had more than 300 million participants in daily meetings were previously in March had 200 million active daily meeting participants. Then Microsoft Teams, which has 75 million daily users and has recorded 200 million participants in a meeting in a day in April. Google Meet also gets 3 million new users every day and has reached more than 100 million participants in daily meetings. The two rivals also continue to issue new features to pursue Zoom.

Telegram Records Over 500 Million Downloads In Play Store   - 61Telegram Records Over 500 Million Downloads In Play Store   - 67Telegram Records Over 500 Million Downloads In Play Store   - 51Telegram Records Over 500 Million Downloads In Play Store   - 85Telegram Records Over 500 Million Downloads In Play Store   - 85