The lack of proper security protocols worsens the situation and puts your website and your customers at a high-security risk. Through this article, we will discuss tips to enhance the security of the online assets of a startup.

11 Tips to Ensure the Complete Security of your Startup

When it comes to cybersecurity, startups are way behind. The main reasons are lack of funds, limited resources, and negligence. Often startup owners feel that they are secure as the hackers might not notice small businesses. Well, they couldn’t be more wrong. Hackers are constantly on the lookout for vulnerable points in the security system of a business, be it small or large. Here’s how you can protect your startup from falling prey to these malicious actors and their malicious campaigns:

1. Manage Access Management

Try to insist on access management from the start, not everyone in the company needs to gain the privilege of admin for everything. Further, it is recommended to use individual login credentials instead of using the same username and password for each user. Limiting access management will save you the hassle of changing access permissions every time a person leaves your company. We will also recommend web application security testing which will give you complete details of your loopholes.

2. Implement Two-factor Authentication

As the name suggests, two-factor authentication is the addition of a second-level authentication. Two-level (or multi-level) authentication reduces the chances of brute-force attacks on your website. You can pair up login credentials with email or mobile verification, OTP, biometric scan, or even a security question or secret key.

3. Use a strong password

The most obvious step to strengthen Startup security is to use a 14-character-long alphanumeric string. Even better if you use an auto-generated string. The most common passwords that are used worldwide are: ‘123456’, ‘12345678’, ‘qwerty’, etc; these passwords make it easier for a hacker to brute-force their way in. In all cases, be sure to avoid these passwords and other common ones. Try using a mixture of numbers, alphabets, and characters for a password. And do not use the same password for different accounts. You can use a password manager such as 1Password to obtain strong passwords and manage them better. SEE ALSO: Free Netflix Premium Account Passwords

4. Train your employees

Invest in educating your employees to get a strong grasp of cybersecurity. Train them to contact the party when a request for sensitive information such as passwords or personnel data is made. Even if the request is from the email address of a well-known person, always double-check.

5. Install SSL certificate

It is a digital certificate that provides authentication and enables encryption for a website. SSL is short for Security Sockets Layer, it encrypts all the data transformation making it nearly impossible for hackers to steal private information.

Source: CyberHoot

6. Backup your website

A backup is simply a complete copy of your website’s data. Backing up your website regularly can save you from data loss in case of device theft or a hack. Instead of reinstalling all software, all you would have to do is to install the backup file.

7. Keep the software updated

Stay up to date with the latest versions of software you are using in your startup. Each update comes with additional features and some in-built security and patched-up vulnerabilities. An update can help you strengthen the security level of your startup. If you are still using the outdated version, update it!!

Source: Avast From the figure, you can see what an outdated piece of software can do to your startup.

8. Use GPG encryption

GPG is short for GnuPrivacy Guard, it encrypts the files so that only the intended person can decrypt them. In GPG, each person is given two encryption keys, a private key to encrypt the data, and a public key to decrypt the data encrypted by the private key. Source: Medium

9. Plan for Failures

Falling victim to a cyber-attack is inevitable, do not wait around. Know your legal obligations as the owner and understand the business risks associated with a security breach. Formulate a plan to deal with a breach and to mitigate it.

10. Check your code’s vulnerability regularly

Checking regularly for code vulnerabilities will keep you ahead of the threats and will ensure the security of your codes. There are several vulnerability scanners in the market that can give you a detailed analysis of your code’s security. You can use the Astra Security tools for this purpose, it has some additional features that can strengthen the security of your startup.

11. Create your Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is a written security policy that covers all possible outcomes of cyber-attacks and data theft. It is essential for any business, lack of a privacy policy can open you up to legal action. A privacy policy must include the introduction and information of your startup. In short, it is a legal safety net for your startup.

To conclude…

If you want your startup to flourish, make it secure. Follow the tips mentioned above and be vigilant of any discrepancies. Contact us, if you have further queries.