According to Russian news agency RosBiznesKonsalting (RBK), officials will use it to collect information and provide feedback on a proposed law introduced by the state in December 2018. The rule states that state internet providers must be prepared to ensure that Russia‘s internet operates smoothly and independently in the event of a foreign attack that disconnects Russia from the web. Like many countries, much of Russia’s internet access is still routed in the United States through so-called “exchange points.” However, under the proposed rules, Russian telecommunications companies would have to install “technical means” to redirect traffic through national exchange points. Roskomnazor, the telecommunications watchdog in Russia, will monitor all traffic flowing through these points to ensure that data are not routed outside Russia. It will block any traffic beamed beyond its borders unnecessarily, as foreign spies can easily intercept these data. The date set for the shutdown of the test is not yet clear. It should take place sometime before 1st April, as this is the last day when the proposed law is amended. For several years, the Russian government has been working on a complex cyber defence tactic.