Organizations may reduce reaction times, increase operational efficiency, and provide a better overall service with reliable RMM automation, even when resources are scarce. In brief, with RMM automation, organisations are better equipped to run smoothly and provide a platform for troubleshooting, monitoring, and managing customer IT infrastructure and endpoints.

How does RMM automation work?

Data is collected from remote endpoints and networks via RMM automation and utilised to monitor the health and capabilities of these sources to perform various IT management duties. RMM automation can help managed service providers and IT experts spot and fix possible issues in real time. Routine management functions and other IT tasks, such as patching and issuing and responding to service tickets, are also aided by RMM automation. This allows you to see what’s going on in your network, analyse inventories, and keep track of compliance. MSPs and IT professionals, on the other hand, can still run software tools, manage updates, run scripts, and connect to a user’s system to troubleshoot and fix problems remotely during maintenance. Take a look at some of the greatest RMM automation companies to see how they can help you improve your IT processes:

Atera Networks RMM

RMM automation and professional services automation (PSA) software are coupled with remote support capabilities in Atera SaaS. Furthermore, it offers the following features:

Monitoring and notifications in real time Reporting and billing Business process automation, help desk, customer support tools, and business analytics are all integrated. Integrations with third parties (online backup, endpoint security, and threat detection) Third-party software patching and document management are both automated.

MSPs can remotely conduct numerous duties on clients’ computers using the service manager, task manager, and programme manager functionalities, such as starting and stopping services, terminating tasks, and examining and eliminating idle programmes. By using SNMP, Atera’s RMM software supports Windows, OSX, Linux, Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Hyper-V, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and VMware, as well as Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Hyper-V, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and VMware. It has three fixed pricing models and offers a free trial. Its product bundles start at $79 per technician, per month.

Pro Growth Power

ConnectWise Automate

ConnectWise Automate may collect data from Exchange servers or specific workstations and dynamically combine it for improved management. IT workers may conduct specific activities with RMM automation, allowing the level of automation deployed to be readily expanded as the number of managed endpoints grows. When used as a standalone system, ConnectWise Automate includes over 100 integrations, including those with backup vendors like StorageCraft, Veeam, and Acronis. It also features a built-in ticketing system. It comes with ConnectWise Control, which is utilised for remote access and is free with the bundle. It has an alerting and monitoring system that enables technicians to create tickets and incidents in advance. It reportedly collects data from network devices to monitor all parts of a workstation or server and verifies that all software and hardware are working properly. ConnectWise Automate additionally includes a built-in reporting capability as well as a data isolation tool. This product is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. ConnectWise offers a free trial and three pricing levels dependent on the number of agents purchased by an organisation:

One Standard Premium

Datto RMM

From within the help desk ticketing system, Datto RMM allows real-time asset synchronisation, ticket round trips, and remote support. ConnectWise for ticket administration, Splashtop for remote screen sharing, and Webroot Business Endpoint Security for online threat protection are all part of the package. Datto RMM supports for designated Network Node agents, which offer device detection, status, and SNMP monitoring on the local network. Remote support capabilities is possible thanks to RMM automation, which allows for a quick connection to remote devices via firewalls for screen sharing, file transfer, registry editing, an event log viewer, and services and process control. It comprises patching for Windows and third-party software depending on policies. To save bandwidth, partners can either store patch updates on their LAN or download them straight from Microsoft. For easy setup, Datto RMM contains default and preconfigured monitors, as well as the ability to add custom monitors from the tool’s library. Its monitor alerts can generate dashboard updates, emails, tickets in an integrating PSA system, or automated responses to automatically fix alarm circumstances. Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android are all supported by this platform. On request, price quotes are available. RMM automation should be considered by MSPs and internal IT organisations, especially given that many firms are moving to a remote work environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Finding the best RMM automation technology for your company necessitates a business plan, an understanding of your demands, and a solution that fits your business model.