Passwords are a paradox. They have to be easy enough to remember, but complex enough to fool everyone else. You can’t write them down for fear of losing them and getting hacked, but you have to have a different one for every single service you use to prevent a cybercriminal getting ahold of all of your data at once. Somehow people are supposed to come up with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols that makes sense to them but would baffle anyone else. And then do that 10-30 more times for all of their other passwords. Into this arena comes the password manager, which can seem like either the biggest blessing for computer users since Solitaire or the worst disaster since the Hindenburg. Somewhere in the middle is where you’ll likely find the truth. As the name suggests, it takes care of all of your passwords, allowing you to take away stress on how your accounts are managed. There are usually two ways they work: Some store all your passwords in a virtual “vault” and give access to each one as you need it. Others assign you a master password, even longer than any other standard password, and make the code phrase you must remember each time a password. The rest of the passwords are created and maintained by the manager, which changes them periodically according to your requests and uses an algorithm to make them next to unguessable by someone trying to hack your system.

Strengths of a Password Manager

Top Password Manager Choices

Dashlane is a leading choice for consumers thanks to its flexibility, available on Windows, Android, iPads, and iPhone devices. Its strengths include two-factor authentication, real-time alerts about threats, and browser password importing to make it convenient to collect all your information quickly on startup. Among the free password manager options is LastPass which works for both mobile and desktop. It uses local encryption/decryption to add an extra layer of security and two-factor authentication.