Planning a party can be stressful and hectic at times. You have to ensure everything is perfect, well-managed, and look over every small detail. With some experience and guidance, you might be able to manage this. But with invitations, a new trend has come up that you surely might have heard of: video invitations. With the ongoing trend and the appeal that it has, it might be tempting to do something similar for your party as well. But, since everyone isn’t a video editing expert, we have laid down a few tips on how you can make these invitations easily using an invitation maker free online.

Select A Theme

This advice is helpful not only for making a video invitation but also for your overall party: having a theme makes your party a lot more fun. By picking a central idea for your event, you encourage efforts from the side of the invitees, and your party becomes something they connect with even before attending. All of your planning can revolve around this theme. Your video can also be made in a similar way that aligns with the theme. This will ensure uniformity and make it look like you mean business. However, making a video from scratch that also follows a particular theme can be difficult. To get started, pick one of the many video editing tools available online that come with readymade templates. Pre-decided templates make your job extremely easy and save you a lot of time. All you need to do is find the right one, and then just edit it according to the specifics of your party, and you’re good to go!

Ask Friends To Participate

How do you get more people to talk about your party? Include friends that your guests know in the invitation itself! Make a list of some mutual friends that you and your invitees have, and try asking them to help you make the invitation. You can always include snippets of your friends talking about the party and asking everyone else to join in. Have them talk about the fun things you do during these parties and just make sure everyone feels as included as possible. When people find out that many others are interested in something, they might be slightly more inclined to join in and have some fun themselves. Also, including other people in your video might bring to mind some more ideas in terms of creativity. You could take in suggestions for the party too and ensure that your event is a success.

Be Casual, But Inviting

A pool party is unlike a charity gala, a birthday party, or any other formal event. It is a lot more casual, not only in terms of the venue but also in terms of dress-code. Make sure your invitation gives off the same vibe and doesn’t sound like an advertisement. This is a very thin line, and most of the time, very difficult to differentiate. You have to strike just the right balance between being casual and welcoming while not making your video seem too professional and formal. You should have equal proportions of eagerness and calm in your video, which will make your invitation more attractive. The general mood of a pool party is very light and fun-filled, so everything right from your menu and drinks to costumes and decorations has to fit that rhetoric.

Use Social Media

Most of the time, when people do not have a very restricted guest list and are open to having a large number of people over for their party, they put up posts on their social media and invite everyone who’s interested. You could do something similar if you have that kind of freedom in terms of space. Make a video that can be put up on Instagram as a story or IGTV video, or even on YouTube or Facebook. This will make your party popular not only among your invitees but also among your followers. Bringing your video invite to social media is undoubtedly the best way to make your party the talk of the town and can create a buzz among your network. Moreover, you are sure to open up multiple avenues for anything that you are trying to brand, and the same goes for your party.

Use Only Visuals

The key to having a good video that is equal parts interesting and engaging is to do away with text as much as you can. This might seem like an obvious thing to do, but it continues to be one that’s never explicitly implemented. Many people make their videos and content so text-heavy that it eventually becomes dry and boring. Having a voice over to convey most of the important details is one of the best ways to add to the charm of your invitation. The highlights and more crucial information can then be fitted in through the help of bullet points. This will make your content crisper and give you a lot more creative space to incorporate some fun elements. Studies suggest that 90% of visual data is transferred to the brain in comparison to textual data. So, why not make the best use out of this and use visuals to their fullest?


Making video invitations can seem intimidating at the start, but once you get the hang of it, you will notice that nothing works as effectively as they do. It is a known fact that 51% of marketing professionals find videos a lot better and impactful than any other type of content. If the experts are doing it, so should you, right? Go through the process patiently, give yourself some time, and you will find that you have mastered the very skill you thought was impossible to nail. Use any slideshow maker with music available online to make this party and any other you have in the future be equally buzz-worthy.