What’s the difference?

Back in the day, local web servers were responsible for the bulk of internet activities. Yet with the advent of CDN and the way CDN operates, things have changed greatly! The digital network now runs seamlessly because of the cluster of servers in scattered data centers. In much earlier days of the Internet, hosting companies used corporate and straightforward websites that consisted of static content and trivial, uncomplicated data. And considering how the digital space has acquired the reputation of being the primary delivery and repository of diverse content, local web hosts are not strong enough to do the things they used to do. The websites are more complex and media-heavy—the local vs. CDN equation indicates that CDN has more power and more reach, but that doesn’t mean that the local web host is any better. They improve the technology of each other. Simply put, local web hosts store your content, but they are unable to circulate and disperse your web content to your thousands of users.

Knowing how CDN works make it clearer

When asked which one wins what in the local vs, CDN battle, a better question to ask is, how do both technologies help each other? It is essential to know exactly how CDN functions to answer this issue. If it’s not clear yet, Content Delivery Networks is a collection of servers based in various parts of the world. This is why these servers can provide requested information effectively from website users around the globe. What users need to remember is that they make requests any time they play a video or open an image. These requests go either directly to a local web host server or edge server — the server nearest to the location they are when browsing. In other words, CDN aims to enhance one’s online experience by reducing load time (also known as latency). When your local web host server is based in Tokyo, it is no surprise that your Japanese visitors get your content quickly. Yet visiting your site can take longer if users from Frankfurt or Sydney. That’s why CDN has gained a great deal of prominence in the world-wide-web. As mentioned, no rivalry exists between local and CDN. Both of them support one another. Whether they’re private or free CDNs, they play a massive role in meeting the growing needs of the Internet. The consumption of web content, as mentioned, has now become so intricately perplexed that high-quality multimedia demands effective delivery platforms.

The benefits of how CDN works

There are a lot of benefits when you sign up for Cloudflare CDN. For one thing, our prices are unbeatable, and our offerings are close to those of the leading CDN providers, but at just a fraction of their costs. Here are the other benefits of how CDN works.


Because of its very core and design, CDNs can deliver content much faster to any user or device. Your web content hits any user much faster, whether it’s a tablet or a laptop. This can mean more money for your business!

Lower costs

It is perhaps one of the best benefits that the owner of a website can get from CDNs. When using CDN, the bandwidth your local web host provider receives is not as heavy as edge servers handle the distribution of your data. It could also be converted into cheaper web host bills.


When you don’t have a CDN, your website does poorly in distant regions. Anyone who wants to grow his business to a global audience knows how important it is. The more points the website has, the easier it would be for you to reach new markets.

Is free CDN a good idea?

The word ‘good’ could be subjective. Free CDN is neither a new idea nor a bad thing. Nonetheless, it provides very minimal services — whatever company you want. Others have a high limit on the data they deliver, and some just have some data centers they can sell to your website. You can not afford to mess with your web content supply if you are determined to provide your audience with quality content and a premium browsing experience. If you’re new to the whole process, sign up and get a free preview. We are an affordable CDN to offer secure and cost-effective global content. Only don’t settle on a free CDN. You know that your website is worth more.