We suggest that if you want to use the climate to your advantage, use one of the reputable weather apps instead of one of the generic ones. You can check the different services offered by reputable companies like ClimaCell’s app to learn about the various features that can be useful for you. In this article, we are going to talk about three weather-related aspects that can affect your lawn maintenance. If you use a professional weather app and get accurate forecasts, you will be able to plan the maintenance activities for your lawn in a better way. Many people often panic if it rains right after they have had their lawn treatment done. Contrary to popular belief, rains do not affect your lawn treatment adversely. In fact, rains can help the granular substance imparted in the soil as part of the lawn treatment. So you can plan to have lawn treatment done right before when your weather app tells you that it is going to rain. However, you must watch out for rains if you just had weed control done on your lawn. Liquid weed control can get washed away by rainwater, so do not plan one if there is a forecast of rains on the same day. Weed control takes about 24 hours to become effective, so any rain after that should not be a problem. Prolonged rains can result in crabgrass growth, so make sure that you plan for treatment right after the spell is over. Treating the lawn for crabgrass before the rains might not be a good idea, as the treatment won’t be effective. We would suggest that you plan the treatment after the rains when the crabgrass would start to emerge. Constant rains and high humidity can cause diseases in turfgrass. You might have Brown Patch or Red Thread diseases in your lawn due to the excessive presence of fungi that thrive in hot and humid weather. So watch out for signs of these diseases and get them treated as soon as they appear. While rains can cause problems for your lawn, lack of rain can result in bigger issues. Weed control products would not work properly if the lack of rain does not let the weed grow. Therefore if there is a forecast of a dry season, there is no need to get weed control done before that. It is needless to mention that you may need to adjust the amount of water sprinkled on your lawn since you might already have a smart weather-controlled sprinkler system installed. Dry seasons are also responsible for the damages caused by the growth of surface feeding insects like chinch bugs on the lawn. The reason why you notice these damages more during droughts is that when your lawn is growing well, the impact of surface bugs become hidden. However, these insects also cause damage to your lawn during dry seasons. So if your weather app is alerting you of a dry season, you can get your lawn treated for them. If the weather becomes too hot for too long, it can have devastating results on your lawn. The grass on your lawn could start to wilt, and you would notice increased growth of weed in those areas since they do not require ideal growing conditions like turfgrass. So if your weather app is telling you that night temperature can go beyond 70 degrees and the daytime might be hotter than 85, it is time to start taking precautions. If you do not take additional care of your lawn during the hot weather, there could be irreparable damages. Therefore watch out for any hot weather spells that may last four more than four weeks. Professional apps allow you to set up severe weather alerts, so make sure you direct the application to notify you in case the temperatures go too high for too long. Even though your sprinklers might be able to take care of the irrigation, you would still need to undertake the required maintenance activities. Fall is probably the best time to get the weed control measures done for the stubborn varieties. You can also fertilize your lawn during the fall so that the roots grow stronger, and you can see a healthy growth of greens during the spring. Make sure you monitor your weather app for these treatments, as they won’t be as effective once the cold weather sets in. If your weather app tells you about imminent snow, make sure you take precautions against snow mold. Ensure that your lawn is cleared of all debris before the first snow to stop mold growth. Also, mow the lawn to about 2.5 inches of grass length before it starts snowing as it would prevent matting. If the weather app warns you about Frost, make sure that you avoid walking on the lawn as it may cause cosmetic damages. Lawn maintenance can be a nightmare sometimes when you are not able to control things. However, weather predictions can help you in several ways to ensure that your lawn looks healthy and beautiful. Use a smart and professional weather app instead of one of the generic ones to ensure that you get accurate data for your