The malware targeted websites including of Israeli public transit firms Dan and Kavim, a children’s museum and public radio’s online blog, with none of the sites available to users by midday Saturday. The hacking organisation Black Shadow claimed credit for the attack and claimed to have released client data on the Telegram chat service, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers of Kavim users. “Hello once more! We have some exciting news to share with you “On Friday night, the hackers posted a message on Telegram. “Today, you probably wouldn’t be able to connect to many websites. We attacked the ‘Cyberserve’ company and their clients “It was stated. “Please notify us as soon as possible if you do not want your data leaked by us.” “They did not call us… thus (the) initial data is here,” read another message later, with the group dumping the information online. Black Shadow, according to Israeli media, is a group of Iran-linked hackers who utilise cyberattacks for criminal purposes. In December of last year, the organisation broke into Israel’s Shirbit insurance agency and stole a large amount of data. When the corporation declined to pay the $1 million ransom, it began disclosing the material. The current attack comes after an unknown cyberattack wreaked havoc on Iran’s gasoline delivery system earlier this week. The Iranian media has placed the finger at government critics in other countries. Iran and Israel have been engaged in a so-called “shadow war,” with both sides blaming each other for attacks on Israeli and Iranian ships, as well as cyberattacks. In 2010, the Stuxnet virus infiltrated Iran’s nuclear programme, triggering a sequence of malfunctions in centrifuges used to enrich uranium. The virus is thought to have been manufactured by Israel and its partner, the United States.