One of the big differences between WhatsApp and Telegram is the number of users: over 2 billion on WhatsApp and over 500 million on Telegram. Not all of your WhatsApp contacts are part of Telegram although both can synchronize their contacts with those of the mobile. If you are thinking of switching from WhatsApp to Telegram, you can do a quick check to see who among your contacts has installed the messaging service, thus avoiding the worry of not finding anyone to chat with. This way you will be able to know, for example, which WhatsApp contacts are present in the other application, and then make an informed decision about it. It is a fairly simple process, which takes advantage of the fact that your WhatsApp contacts are always synchronized in your application, and there may also be a contact you have in your mobile Phonebook that is not in WhatsApp but in Telegram. Of course, I already tell you that you will need to create a Telegram account to do the verification.

How to Know Which of Your Phone Contacts are on Telegram

Follow this simple instructions to find out all your contacts that are using Telegram App.

Open your Telegram app Tap on menu located at the top left corner of the app

Tap on contacts from the options that listed

You will see all your contacts on Telegram.


If you couldn’t find any contact there, it’s likely that your phone contacts are not synchronized. For contact synchronization;

Go to Telegram Menu at the top left corner of the app Scroll down and tap on “Settings”

Select “Privacy and Security“

Scroll down and toggle “Sync contacts” as seen in the image below.

All your contacts who are on telegram will now be visible for you to chat with them.

SEE ALSO: How to Search for Any Telegram Profile, Group and Channel to Join

How Do I Know if My WhatsApp Contacts also Have Telegram?

Both WhatsApp and Telegram can synchronize their contacts with those of the mobile phone, which becomes a useful tool to be able to see who has WhatsApp and who also has Telegram. The good thing is that you don’t have to do anything from WhatsApp: you generally have all your phone contacts on WhatsApp. On Telegram, however, the synchronization of contacts is optional, and you must activate it if you want to do this check. The option to sync your contacts appears in the setup wizard, although you can also do it later from Settings> Privacy and security> Sync contacts. After that it will only be necessary to create a new chat and you will see all telegram contacts. Another way to see which of your WhatsApp contacts is on Telegram is to use the side panel and click on “Contacts”. There you will see the list of your contacts found in Telegram. All contacts that have Telegram account will appear on the list, although that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re actively using it. A good indication is to look at the last time they were online, just below the person’s name. SEE ALSO: How to Read Your Lover’s WhatsApp Chats Without Them Knowing Those people who have “recently” written are more likely to use Telegram in their daily lives, while for those with “long time ago” written they may be accounts created but no longer in use.