What is Proofreading?

Proofreading is the process of reviewing any document in order to detect, mark and correct any errors that might be present in it. Proofreading is very important before we represent any documents to the public or audience. It is the final step of any editorial process and requires to be done with care and minute attention to details. Moreover, proofreading gives a shape to the document, which might initially be missing, and polish the words to enhance its readability values. SEE ALSO: Latest Oxford English Dictionary App

What is Ginger Grammar Checker?

A grammar checker is a type of computer program that helps us to detect if there are any grammatical mistakes while we write. It helps us to identify if there are any wrong ways of framing the sentences, or any improper usage of words and punctuation marks. It is found inbuilt in the word processor itself. For example, Microsoft Word has its own grammar checker. It explains why we get to see underlines whenever we make any spelling or grammatical errors in MS Word with red and green curvy lines, respectively.

Why is Ginger Grammar Checker is Special?

A person who does not have strong and proper grammar skills can make mistakes while writing. Ginger Grammar Checker is a perfect and ideal tool for writing texts in English. It helps us to write English in a better way, thus enabling us to come up with refined writings or articles more efficiently. Everyone including writers and journalists uses this software to produce flawless and error-free text so that they could publish them on the internet.

Features of Ginger Grammar Checker

Apart from spelling and grammatical mistakes, Ginger Grammar helps the user to provide plagiarism free texts before it goes online, to avoid any sorts of copyright issues. Some salient features of Ginger Software are as follows –

Customizable theme: The application comes with customizable themes that make it easy for the user to work in a friendly environment. The users get the option to choose the desired theme that matches and suits their style, to make it comfortable for them, enabling them to write without any sort of hindrance. Also, users are provided with an option to customize Ginger’s array of themes and even build a custom theme that fits and matches their own writing requirements. Additionally, with its unique and interesting feature of building a keyboard theme from scratch, users can have a custom keyboard that would help them to write more efficiently. Sentence Rephraser: The sentence rephrase feature of Ginger Grammar helps the users to get hold of and explore different forms of writing styles. Moreover, this software allows its user to rephrase the written document in a different style to give it a more professional finish. This feature allows the writers to convey their messages in a different way than others, giving their post a unique look, thereby increasing their reach and helping them to stand out in the crowd. Grammar checker: Ginger Grammar helps you to write seamless English without any grammatical errors. It has a proofreading feature that will go through all your written documents and will review if you have any spelling and punctuation mistakes. It has got a modern paraphrasing tool that will help the users to hear the sentences they write before and after correction. Word prediction: When we type words, word prediction detects what kind of words are being typed. After writing a few letters, it will give some suggestions about what to write next. Those suggestions are visible at the top of the onscreen keyboard and when we click on a particular word, it gets inserted into our writings automatically. This will help children to choose the correct word, a task which often becomes confusing when done manually. Translator: Translation is the communication of one language into another language while keeping the meaning intact. Ginger Grammar can translate our texts into 40 different languages. The purpose of conveying the message remains the same, it’s just the language that changes. Mobile proofreader: Ginger Grammar Checker is available in Windows but can also be used in Android and iOS devices. People who are using smartphones can check their texts and can continue to write English more correctly from anywhere and anytime. Dictionary: Ginger Grammar provides users with a huge stock of words with proper definitions and appropriate synonyms. This helps them to enhance their language skills and enrich their vocabulary as well. Emojis: Emojis are the visual representations of all our feelings and emotions through pictorial and interesting graphical items. As we widely use emojis while texting messages on social media sites, Ginger Grammar Checker also provides us with emojis so that we can express ourselves better rather than expressing simply in words.

It is very essential for us to write English without making silly mistakes. Ginger Grammar Checker contains some tools that will identify your errors and help you to write better and correct English.

Author Bio:

Ritu Kasana, currently working as a Media Coordinator with Techjockey.com. With more than three years of experience in SEO content and the latest optimization practices, I like to write on trending software and technology. I am a tech lover and always look for the latest industry trends to keep the readers updated.