However, without the right tools, a company struggles to deliver an experience equal to customer expectations. Big organizations and SMBs are also struggling in the same space, and approximately 65% of SMBs will invest in technologies like artificial intelligence for automation to deliver great customer experience and witness efficient business growth. h. AI Automation is the future for SMBs. Whether it be efficient workflow management or improving IT operations, SMBs are adopting an AI-enabled ITSM platform that helps them improve customer experience and service delivery. Whether improving the quality of service, reducing IT risks and costs, and amplifying the service delivery process, the ITSM tool will help SMBs provide a quality customer experience. Through this blog, we will look into the different aspects of ITSM, their importance, and how they will help SMBs fulfill customer expectations and service delivery. However, before we move further, let us first understand the definition of ITSM.

Definition – ITSM  

ITSM is the abbreviation of IT Service Management. ITSM is a robust process that helps design, deliver, manage and improve the overall business process using Information technology. In simple terms, it is a strategic process that addresses the end-to-end delivery of the IT services to the end-user. In addition, ITSM helps in managing the customer concerns proficiently which will result in providing them with the best customer experience. It includes and manages all the activities and processes throughout the service lifecycle, which includes

Service management Change management, Problem and incident management Asset management and knowledge management.

An efficient ITSM tool adds more value to the organizations and helps accomplish business goals, ultimately bringing business growth. In addition, ITSM offers continuous business support that allows conversation problems into opportunities.

4 Ways ITSM Helps in Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience and Service Delivery 

Not only are the big MNCs and organizations focusing on improving customer experience and service delivery, but this race also includes small and medium businesses. The definition of growth is no longer restricted to enhancing sales and revenue; now, it is more of delivering value with exceptional customer experience. Now, the question here is, How can SMBs deliver exceptional customer experience and service delivery? And the only answer to this question is – By integrating IT Service Management.

1. Less Human Intervention, More Automation  

The list of stuff in your SMB is time-consuming and requires less human intervention. With the help of the ITSM tool, you can easily automate the process so that your team can focus on other crucial tasks. Through this, your organization can deliver excellent service as your team focuses on essential tasks that will accelerate better outcomes. It will also enhance the overall process with less human intervention, and you can achieve business goals proficiently. Whether it be incident management or automating workflows, SMBs can efficiently improve employee productivity and customer experience by leveraging automation with the ITSM platform. Less human intervention brings better productivity, speed, and fewer chances of errors.

2. Analyzing Customer Service  

It is crucial to analyze the feedback received from the customers to improve the customer experience and service delivery. Integrating the ITSM platform into your SMB allows you to listen to your customer continuously, which will help you improve the anticipated technical and service problems. You can efficiently solve these issues with the help of ITSM to deliver the best service and experience to the end-users.

3. Offering a Proactive Approach  

Delivering superior, fast, and correct customer support is the ultimate goal for any SMBs to grow their business. With the right ITSM platform, SMBs can provide advanced and dynamic support to incoming customer queries. Your business can self-operate the same queries with the help of a knowledge base. This way, SMBs can use the proactive approach to deliver consistent IT support and enhanced customer experience. With intelligent suggestions from the knowledge base, SMBs can efficiently enhance their service delivery outcomes.

4. Put a Full-Stop on Security Vulnerabilities 

Are you frustrated with security vulnerabilities in your SMB? If yes, it is crucial to find the right solution for this; otherwise, it will impact customer experience and service delivery. Unfortunately, around 28% of data breaches in 2020 involved small businesses, and the number is rising. With the help of ITSM’s patch management functionality, SMBs can reduce security risks and increase operational efficiency. ITSM has an automated patching function that helps manage all distributed endpoints and keep all systems updated using our patch management software that automates the entire patch management lifecycle. So, reduce the security vulnerabilities with ITSM and deliver a great customer experience and faster service delivery.


No matter in which industry you run your business, any business’s first and foremost priority is to deliver a great customer experience and on-time service delivery. Whether it be introducing automation, analyzing key customer satisfaction metrics, or reducing security vulnerabilities, SMBs can efficiently deliver a great customer experience with the help of ITSM. ITSM-driven customer service helps enhance overall business operations that lead your business towards growth by earning customer trust. From enhanced customer retention rate and improved service quality to faster incident management, the valuable benefits of ITSM are the only reason that will make SMBs grow faster. So, integrate the ITSM tool into your SMBs today and deliver a great customer experience to the end-users.