An Edge creator has said that the current Microsoft Edge defends its users from the malicious plugins, exposes the application mechanism (msedge.exe) checks, and tracks extension store changes and feature notifications periodically.
While the latest Microsoft Edge supports Chrome extensions, installing it isn’t simple after you have enabled Edge for the first time, you will accept extensions from other stores on the Edge:/extensions tab. Upon installing the extension, Microsoft advises that it does not check extensions installed when third-party stores and alerts you can impact Edge efficiency. Microsoft suggests visiting Edge add-ons to get blocked extensions when you press “Download.” Until now, Google has alerted you that this isn’t happening anymore on an add-on or theme listing in Chrome Web Store. If you now visit an extension page at the Edge Web Store, all Edge versions no longer show the alert. Is Google traced back? It seems that the Search Engine has relaxed and disabled the notice, but the service continues to show pop up ads on most of its pages in the new Edge update because it has started to show Users that the alert is gone. By the way, Microsoft Edge Canary now supports Chrome themes behind the flag; it doesn’t take too long for Microsoft to enable that flag by default in Dev, Beta and Stable versions where you’ll be allowed to install not just extensions but themes from the Chrome Web Store.