The latest Facebook report on enforcement activities reveals an estimate of how many online social network accounts are fake and action taken to prevent more creation during the first three months of this year. According to Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen, Facebook had disabled 2.19 billion accounts in the first quarter of this year, almost double the number of accounts nijd in the previous three months. “The number of accounts we took action has increased because of automated attacks by bad actors who are simultaneously trying to create large amounts of accounts,” said Rosen. Facebook allegedly disabled the accounts when automated imponents tried to create them. The leading social network, meanwhile, estimates that five percent of its 2,4 billion active monthly users are still false accounts. The company in California has also reported progress in the fight against hate speech and automatically detects 65% of the removed content instead of waiting for users to report it. Facebook took 4 million posts in the first quarter of this year as hate speech and continues to invest in technology to better detect such material, according to Rosen in various languages and regions.