Let’s have a look and see.

The Trouble of Online Security

Now every business or website owner can afford to enlist the help of a DevOps team to fortify a website’s security as tight as Fort Knox. After all, it is not the lack of security measures that brings a lot of amateur bloggers and site owners under threat. There is no lack of security offered online. A multitude of services like VPN, Cloudflare or Https protocols can ensure secure communications between computers and lock down websites from leaking personal information. So how come data breach and email phishing are two of the most common types of problems? There were 31.7 million registered bloggers in 2020 of which, 5 to 8% generate a substantial profit, which is enough to support a family. This is great news for bloggers or online business owners, but it also places them under a lot of threat. How come? The bigger the profile of a site, the more it gets targeted by scammers, fraudsters and cybercriminals who use various tactics to get hold of emails, passwords, phone numbers and social media accounts to breach a website.

Making Efforts for Securing your Site

The purpose of every website owner is to make money in any way possible despite the risks of data breach, reverse chargebacks or phishy email bots. In order to secure a website one needs to enlist a couple of methods that are free and easy to use even for beginner bloggers and business owners. Here are four ways to help new sites build cost efficient securities around their pages and posts. Activate Https: (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an internet communication protocol that helps protects the confidentiality of data between the user’s computer and the site. Even Google itself recommends and values sites more in terms of SEO that are https protected. Choose a secure CMS: Content Management Systems like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla are site builders that grant security. No matter what CMS you choose, you need to stay on top of software updates and patches to keep your site secure. In the case of WordPress, there are 2 or 3 new yearly updates that can help you with this. Make sure that you’re using the latest version. Use a Web Application Firewall: I did mention Cloudflare earlier, but how can it actually help a new site? The trouble with unsecured sites is that they can quickly fall victim to automated bots scanning for vulnerable domains and newly created pages. Adding a web application firewall like Cloudflare orCloudbric will secure a website before the attack starts. Get an SSL Certificates: If your website has a registration portal that has any sort of payment processing or transaction, you’re advised to have an encrypted connection. Using SSL certificates can secure your connection between you and client who wishes to purchase something. This is extremely useful for upcoming SaaS companies, online retailers and dropshipping companies.

Final Conclusion

Having build a new website or aspiring to make a living from blogging can have many great benefits and dangers. As organic traffic grows and the first bills start to pour in from affiliate marketing, ads, banners, sponsors, so will the danger of data breach. In order to alleviate the problem, the appropriate security measures have to be used before the business is about to take off in order to prevent any account takeovers and data breaches.

Author Info:

Robert Kormoczi is a content distribution manager at SEON Technologies and an online entrepreneur focusing on helping the next generation of marketers.