As the use of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) grows, so does their vulnerability to attacks, and so cybersecurity has become a key issue for autopilot systems.

GPS Spooling

Spooling is one of the most serious problems that drones face, and many professionals are working to develop a long-term solution. The technique of GPS spooling is used by hackers to confuse the drone. It is accomplished by delivering a signal to the drone, which the drone misinterprets as a signal from GPS satellites. It entails the creation of phoney GPS signals in order to tamper with the normal GPS system. This forces the drone to navigate to a fictitious location set by the attacker. The false location on the GPS system gives the impression that the controller is on the incorrect track when, in fact, they are on the right track. This is a cyber security concern that must be handled since it has the potential to result in a massive security breach. Malicious people can gain access to a drone, take control of it, and use it to do harm.

GPS Jamming

It’s a method that includes completely turning off the GPS navigation device. It involves a highly educated GPS jammer who uses a GPS jammer device to send signals with a comparable frequency. A GPS navigation system fails as a result, and the drone is disconnected from the controller station. The majority of jammer devices turn on and off to avoid being discovered. Drone jamming can force it to fall and crash, resulting in significant damage to very valued products and information.

Facilitation of a physical access to unsecured systems

Drones can allow hackers to get access to insecure systems. This is feasible when hostile actors take advantage of the close proximity given by drones to target unsecured systems, devices, or even networks in order to collect important and secret data that could fall into the wrong hands. This is accomplished by exploiting network gaps provided by drones, which are controlled by a virtual pilot. Unmanned aerial vehicles can also be hijacked and exploited by hackers to gain access to information and data from businesses. Malware can also be pre-installed in order to control it or obtain access to data and information.

Collision Risks

Because of the rising use of drones, the airspace is now clogged with drones and aeroplanes, and we will soon see crashes. Drones are at grave danger of colliding with planes.

Mitigation Measures

All wireless networks, gadgets, and drones must be monitored at all times. Updates and patches should be installed on a regular basis to ensure that any flaws are patched in a timely way. When a new component is added, default passwords should always be changed right away. To keep hackers at bay, all information and data should be encrypted, access controls should be stringent, and a firewall is a must. To avoid collisions, people in charge of the drones must maintain a high level of concentration.