A 20-year old man, speaking at a court in The Hague, the Netherlands earlier this month, displayed court remorse, accepted his crimes, and apologized for his actions, which he did as a minor. The hacker received 120 hours of support from the community and 377 days ‘ detention. He did not receive any time imprisonment because he was considered time spent in prison and was released on conditional release for 360 days in accordance with other laws. The hacker managed a botnet of DDoS he built using Mirai IoT malware according to heavily written court documents obtained by ZDNet. The estimates ranged from 2,697 (court documents) to 10,000 (social media) bots in botnets. The hacker was only identified as S by court documents. And did not disclose any of his targets ‘ names. According to a journalist from the Haagsche Courant at the court hearing on 21 February, however, some of S’s websites included the BBC, Yahoo News, e-commerce giant Zalando as well as several Bitcoins and gambling sites. In some cases, authorities say, S. Companies also contacted requesting Bitcoin ransoms to stop attacks. One example is Moneypot cryptocurrency exchange, which published one of S’s ransom notes at that time. These attacks began in October 2016 and stopped a year later during the arrest of the suspect by investigators in October 2017. Evidence from the confiscated facilities included Skype logs detailing discussions with two co-conspirators, one named Chris and another Croatian suspect. Speech included words like “the’re[sic] understood and emailed” and “sent it” with a copy of the email address S. Had sent. Researchers claim that S. He made approximately $150,000 of his attacks and subsequent rescue claims in Bitcoin. Speaking in court at a hearing on 21 February, S. The judge told him that his DDoS spree had begun because his parents were unable to give him money because of their financial situation, and that the maker of the malware Mirai IoT made 100.000 dollars out of the same system. Shortly after his source code was released online, he began using the botnet. He also said that, even before conducting the DDoS attacks supported by Mirai, he first began hacking around 13-14. In addition to admitting and excusing him for his crimes, S. The judge informed the judge that he was involved in cryptocurrency mining and speculation now, and replied that his new occupation was dangerous and that he said “you will need money again soon.” Pay € 12,000 ($ 13,500) for some of the victims ‘ damages. One of the hackers listed in NewSky Security’s last year’s top IoT hackers and botnet operators. We chose not to include the nickname of the hacker since it was speculation that could not be verified independently.