Oklahoma has historically relied largely on agriculture, particularly ranching, to support its economy. And, if not in terms of persons employed, the oil and gas business has been by far the largest contributor to the state’s economic output for decades. However, in recent decades, the economy has become more diverse. Healthcare and education, business and professional services, commerce and transportation, and leisure and hospitality are now major contributors to job possibilities. Oklahoma’s single largest employer is the government, followed by trade and transportation. Due to the vast amounts of sensitive data that healthcare-related businesses collect and keep, the healthcare industry is, of course, a major employer of cybersecurity services. Companies that provide business services are also known for hiring a lot of cybersecurity experts.

The Cybersecurity Environment in Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s cybersecurity activities are coordinated by the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security. Oklahoma is also a member of the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), which collects and distributes cybersecurity-related data from all 50 states so that participating states can better monitor and prepare for state-level cybersecurity threats.

Cybersecurity Education in Oklahoma

Because the market for cybersecurity experts in Oklahoma is quite tiny, it’s not unexpected that school programmes with information security specialisation are scarce. Nonetheless, at least one institution, Oklahoma State University, has identified the need for fresh cybersecurity specialists and is capitalising on the increased demand for information security degrees and certificates. In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma State University (OSU) sponsors an annual cybersecurity conference. The school founded the Center for Telecommunications and Network Security (CTANS) in 2002 to “serve as the focal point for information assurance instruction and research.” OSU has been designated as a Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) in Information Assurance Education and Research by the National Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, OSU offers more cybersecurity education opportunities than any other Oklahoma university.


Many businesses consider associate’s degrees in cybersecurity to be sufficient education for many entry-level information security careers. Associate’s degrees typically take one to two years to complete, making them a good option for aspiring information security professionals with limited resources and/or time. In addition, many bachelor’s degree programmes accept associate’s degree curriculum as credit for undergraduate studies. As a result, when it comes time to move on to the next level of study, a previous associate’s degree can dramatically minimise the time commitment required.

Campus-Based Associate’s Degrees in Oklahoma

At the moment, Oklahoma colleges offer five cybersecurity associate’s degree programmes with campus-based instruction. For more details, see the table below. Oklahoma institutions do not currently offer any online cybersecurity associate’s degree programmes.


For most information security jobs nowadays, businesses expect a bachelor’s degree as a minimum educational background. And the degrees don’t have to be related to cybersecurity. The majority of technology and science degrees, particularly in STEM fields, are acceptable. Those with a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity, or at the very least a cybersecurity specialisation, will have a distinct advantage when applying for information security roles.

Campus-based Bachelor’s Degrees in Oklahoma

Oklahoma schools and universities are currently offering three campus-based cybersecurity bachelor’s degree programmes. For more details, see the table below.

Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Oklahoma

Oklahoma State University’s Management Information Systems programme is the only choice for individuals who want the convenience of online coursework. Bachelor’s Degree with a Specialization in Information Security.


The demand for master’s-level education is increasing as the cybersecurity business grows and advances. A master’s degree in cybersecurity is now commonly required for management-level information assurance positions. Most C-suite corporate positions, as well as professions in academia, cybersecurity research, or cybersecurity consulting, require at least a master’s degree in cybersecurity.

Campus-Based Master’s Degrees in Oklahoma

Two master’s degree programmes in cybersecurity are currently available in Oklahoma. Both of these seminars take place on campus. A Master of Science in Information Assurance is offered by Oklahoma State University, and a Master of Science in Cybersecurity is offered by the University of Tulsa.


There are certificates available for most scenarios, employment goals, and educational ambitions, whether a student wants to get started in cybersecurity or a seasoned expert wants to improve their knowledge. Most career-minded information assurance professionals may now find introductory credentials, cybersecurity specialised certifications, and advanced degree certifications to fit their needs.

Campus-Based Cybersecurity Certifications in Oklahoma

At present, only Oklahoma City Community College (Certificate of Mastery in Information Security) and Rose State College (Information Security Certificate Program) offer cybersecurity certification programmes through campus-based courses.

Online Cybersecurity Certifications in Oklahoma

At the moment, Oklahoma schools only offer one online cybersecurity certification programme. A Graduate Certificate in Information Assurance is currently available from Oklahoma State University.

Cybersecurity Programs in Oklahoma

Cybersecurity Jobs in Oklahoma

Oklahoma is one of the country’s minor cybersecurity marketplaces at the moment. According to Cyberseek, Oklahoma employs 7,395 cybersecurity specialists in the 12 months ending September 2019. During the same time period, Oklahoma firms advertised 3,074 new information security job vacancies. The most active regions for cybersecurity job opportunities were Oklahoma City (1,755) and Tulsa (747), with no other area producing more than 100 new infosec jobs. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, security analysts, a representative job path in cybersecurity, were earning relatively low pay as of May 2018 (average hourly wage: $31.38; average yearly salary: $81,900). However, because Oklahoma’s cost of living is around 17% lower than the national average, cybersecurity pay rates are roughly in line with the state’s standard of living.

Cybersecurity in Oklahoma

When compared to the whole population of the state, the density of cybersecurity specialists is among the lowest in the country. While the average time between cybersecurity job posts and candidate selection is among the shortest in the United States, it is still longer than nearly every other career category. While Oklahoma may not be the most appealing state in the country for cybersecurity specialists, demand is booming, and job openings are plentiful, so applicants should have little issue finding good jobs.