First of all, know that content curation is one of the most valuable strategies which can help all kinds of people related to content marketing. Content curation is the best way to provide your followers or readers with value. You should also know that it surely helps you highlight your niche and your industry in your content. Know that curating content doesn’t mean plagiarizing, so always use a plagiarism checker before publishing curated content!

Curated content – Different ideas to help content curation

Curated content is the type of content created and published by other writers that you want to share with your target audience. Curated content can be generated by getting valuable information from a blog post published by a brand working in the same niche as yours. It can also be some piece of advice from an influencer from your industry, or it can be any content that your gut tells would be enjoyed by your target audience.  The word curator refers to the person responsible for putting important and relevant artifacts in front of interested people. So as a content curator, you need to collect interesting content from relevant web assets and display it to your target audience. There are huge benefits of content curation, and a bunch of them are listed below:

Content curation helps you fill leaks in your content calendar. It helps you provide valuable content to people who follow you! Content curation helps you establish authority as a thought leader in the niche. It builds your network and helps you get backlinks.

Ideas that you can reap benefits from!

Tips coming from experts

If you have good online research skills, you can easily find expert tips related to your niche. Content curation can cause problems related to plagiarism. This is why you need a plagiarism checker like to find out if the written content is free from plagiarism. Promoting these tips would not cause plagiarism issues. However, still, it would be intelligent of you to provide credits to the expert. 

Content from presentations and webinars

Another content curation idea is to get content from presentations. Today speakers and presenters are always taking help from visual slides to support their archives. Well, here you should know that you can take a screenshot of these presentations and make a reverse search on them. Reverse image search would tell you about the source of the slide so that you can get the appealing and relevant ones for your industry. You can add these attractive slides with content to make your posts attractive.


You can also create curated content with the help of collecting quotes from people relevant to your industry. You can find hundreds of blog posts based on quotes from famous people related to different industries. You have to find the quotes that relate to your work topic and add them to your content with proper crediting.

Industry examples and case studies

One of the best ideas for content curation is simply giving examples about different brands and sites. You can talk about their success and failures. People today love to read content that leads them to examples and provides social proof. So you can put together some industry examples and present them in case studies.

Tips for branding with content curation!

Here are some tips that you need to consider when it comes to the branding of your site or blog!