The CISSP exam is now a “Smart Exam”

The CISSP exam was converted to an adaptive format in December of 2017. Computerized Adaptive Exam is the official term for this (CAT). One of the first certification examinations to transfer to this new platform is the CISSP. The remainder, on the other hand, will be quick to follow.

Cheating is discouraged by the adaptive format

Because IT certifications are lucrative, people have a strong motivation to cheat in order to save time studying. This incentive for cheating has resulted in internet marketplaces where questions and answers may be purchased. Many websites sell practise exams that purport to be authentic exam questions if you search for “CISSP Brain Dump” on the internet. The CISSP exam has always maintained a high level of security and integrity by keeping test questions out of the hands of cheaters attempting to purchase the questions and answers. Some shady businesses pay people to take tests and try to record or memorise the questions in order to write them down. The CISSP exam’s adaptive style adds an extra layer of protection to the test. A test taker no longer has access to all of the test’s questions. A test taker who is unprepared will be given relatively few questions that will lead to a passing score.

The CISSP Adaptive Test works as follows

You will be escorted to the exam room after passing through the testing center’s stringent security measures, which include an ID check, a photo, and a biometric hand scan, among other things. The test administrator will be watching from behind a glass window, and you will be on video at all times. You will be seated at your testing station and given instructions on how the test works as well as the general operation of the testing terminal. The test will begin with questions that are rather simple. These questions assess knowledge that falls far short of what is required to pass the exam. The testing algorithm analyses your completed questions and answers after you answer each question to measure your competency. The algorithm considers a variety of factors. The algorithm’s specific mechanics are confidential, but here’s a list of possible factors.

Correctness of the response – Is it true that the “best correct” solution was chosen? Based on the questions answered properly, the candidate’s aptitude in each of the assessment domains. The candidate’s ability to know or figure out the best answer to a question about a domain that isn’t well-known. The amount of time it takes a candidate to respond to each inquiry (This data is used to help identify potential cheaters)

The next question is determined once you answer the previous one

The next question to be asked is determined by the above factors. Because the answers are locked in as soon as you hit the “Submit” button, the applicant cannot go back and edit earlier responses. If you properly answer a question, the next question will be 50% more difficult to answer. To put it another way, there’s a 50 percent probability you’ll get the next question wrong.

If you answer a question correctly, the test becomes significantly more difficult

As you continue to respond properly, the questions become significantly more difficult. The goal of the algorithm is to find your breaking point: the moment at which you can no longer correctly answer the questions.

Your CISSP exam success is determined on your breaking point

Exam candidates will definitely reach a moment where the test questions are so cryptic that the only way to answer them is to make educated guesses. If you reach as far as you can while keeping an overall score of at least 80% in each testing domain, you’ll pass the exam.

Is the Adaptive CISSP exam more difficult than the previous version?

The adaptive CISSP exam will appear difficult because, if the tester does well, the questions will become practically impossible to answer. Because it is no longer a marathon 6-hour test with 250 questions, the test may be deemed more comfortable. When the number of questions on the test reaches between 100 and 150, the majority of test takers will finish it. Most people, including myself, have never taken both the old and new formats of the CISSP exam. As a result, determining which format is more challenging is tricky. Because of the effort necessary to sit and concentrate for 6 hours, the old format may be more difficult for some people. Others may find the new format more difficult due to the increasing difficulty of the questions. Both variants of the test are theoretically equally difficult to pass. According to ISC2, the adaptive test’s position and goal are as follows.

Don’t be alarmed by the CISSP exam

The fact that a CISSP certification is tough to achieve adds to its worth. This test will not be passed by everyone. That isn’t to say you won’t be able to achieve it. You can undoubtedly pass the exam if you study thoroughly, comprehend the subject, and complete a large number of practise questions.