Whether you are simply meeting to catch up as you have been busy a whole month or having a party, card games can perfect your meet-up. Card games are perfect for both physical meetings and virtual meetings. Playing cards together helps strengthen the bond between you and your friends. There are so many online and offline card games available to play and have fun with. These are some awesome card game ideas you can play with your friends:

How About Cards Against Humanity?

This is an excellent card game that involves one player asking a question from any of the black cards. The rest of the players respond by giving funny answers from the white cards. Remember, an original pack of this game has 100 black cards and 500 white cards. The game can also be offensive, and therefore it’s suitable for understanding friends. 

Mind the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Card Game?

This card game can reawaken your high school memories. Ever enjoyed your high school superlatives? If so, you can love the game. An original box has 250 cards. The cards have unique messages on them. The game becomes more fun as each advocates for his/her choices to win the game. You can have a chance to hear all the crazy responses and reasoning of your friends. Ensure that you only play this game with friends who don’t mind taking a joke.

The What Do You Do Meme Card Can Be Perfect

In this card game, the players compete with relatives and friends to develop the funniest memes there can ever be. Every ‘What Do You Do” meme core game has 435 cards. 360 of these cards are caption cards, while the other 75 are photo cards. All the photos are of memes created by game players in the past years. You can lose your humor with friends who have not recently checked the social media trends. Conversely, if you are playing this game with the kind of friends with whom you share memes on Instagram, you can have a blast with this game.

Try The Bad People Card Game

This game resembles the voting game. As you play, therefore, you will find out what your friends think about you. The game involves the players reading questions aloud and afterward voting for the person they believe best suits the description.  If you guys are perfect friends who know each other’s personality traits, you will love the game.

The Game Is Worth a Try

If you do not mind getting a little dirty, you can enjoy this card game. The game involves the players taking turns to flip over cards and shouting out what they find conspicuous on the cards. Some people might find the background color, the swear word, or text colors shouty. You should continue playing this game until you get to a point where one of you decides to pick up all the cards.  Interestingly, the winner in this game is the person who gets rid of his/her cards first.  The game is therapeutic and can let you take off some steam as you confidently shout out some profanities without any fear of contradiction and offense. Furthermore, you can only play the game if your brain is sem-functional. You can give it a try early in the evening as you take some glasses of wine.

Don’t Forget The Codenames Game

You can be sure to love the game. You shall have two spymasters who are rivals but still know all the secrets of their 25 workers. However, the teammates of the spymasters only know the workers by their codenames and know no other detail about them. As the spymasters, you will then use one-word ideas to encourage your teammates to guess the words on a table that has a corresponding color to the spymasters.  Remember, the color hints are on tiny color cards that only you, as the spymaster, can see. Should you get it right, you can enjoy listening to your teammates unfold tens of synonyms. Otherwise, you can mislead your teammates and have them guess words for the other team or guess the assassin, and this shall be the end of the game. You can make your time with friends incredible with these card games. There are card games best suited for families, those fit for kids, and purely adult games. Always choose accordingly. Ensure you play the offensive games with understanding friends who shall not take any offense. Most of these games are therapeutic so give them a try. You can check other offline card games we published previously on this site.