As such, do what you can to help your computer stay in tip-top shape now and in the future. A few maintenance tasks completed here and there can make all the difference.

6 Ways to Maintain Your Computer

Update Computer Software

Don’t ignore those pop-up alerts on your computer telling you that new versions of software programs have become available. Download the latest editions when they get released, so you’re running the most secure, efficient, and user-friendly products possible. You may notice that you start to have more glitches to contend with if you don’t update programs. It pays to set up systems to install new versions automatically as they get released by developers. This way, you don’t have to rely on doing it manually. Be on the lookout for updates for operating systems, browsers, plugins, games, apps, security software, firewalls, and so on.

Clean Up the Device and Remove Unnecessary Programs

Another great way to maintain your computer is to clean up its internal components periodically. Check the software to find programs installed on your computer that you no longer need or have never used. Most people find they have at least half a dozen or more programs that they didn’t even realize were taking up memory and storage. Say goodbye to unnecessary elements such as temporary files, thumbnails, web pages, and old installations. These things slow down your computer because they take up space and often run in the background without you noticing, chewing up resources that could be utilized elsewhere. It pays to take advantage of a clean-up tool to help you get this job done and save time. For instance, if you have an Apple device, install a comprehensive free Mac cleaner designed for this machine type.

Completely Shut-Down Systems

Next, as much as you might be in the habit of leaving your computer running all day, every day, it’s crucial to give it a break at times. As often as you can, shut all the systems down entirely. Doing this will help get rid of glitches that are causing issues. Plus, it helps prolong the life of your computer because system patches typically get handled during shut-down mode. Get into the habit of shutting your laptop down when you finish work daily, or at least do it at the end of each workweek.

Empty Your Computer’s Recycle Bin

You can also help your much-used tech tool by emptying the recycle bin more often than you likely do now. We all tend to forget to do this task, but a clogged-up bin can take up memory on the hard drive and slow down the device in turn. Just because you hit delete on a document, image, or other items, this doesn’t mean they’re truly gone. Things sit in the recycle bin until we choose to manually empty it, unless we have a command set up to automatically empty the trash every 30 days or so.

Clean the Device Externally

Cleaning up your computer internally is essential, but you should also take the time to clean your device externally if you want it to run well. A dirty keyboard and mouse won’t last as long as they could if kept dust and dirt free, and your machine’s CPU and other components will also run less efficiently if the vents and other parts of the hardware get clogged up with detritus. Give your computer a spruce up by cleaning accessible surfaces with a damp cloth that doesn’t hold onto lint. Don’t spray cleaning solutions onto your gadget directly or let any moisture pool on or near it, though, as this can cause damage. Plus, use a compressed air canister or an air compressor a few times per year to clear out your computer’s vents, ports, and keyboard crevices. This cleaning will reduce the risk of your technology overheating because of a lack of airflow.

Check Computer Settings Periodically

Lastly, look at the settings on your computer to see if everything’s operating correctly and that settings haven’t been changed unintentionally by software updates. Pay attention to your gadget’s start-up settings, in particular. You may notice too many programs running when you boot your computer up, slowing its response time. The more programs you install, the more likely this is an issue unless you check and address it. Looking after your well-used device doesn’t take too much time or effort but can make a big difference to how long your computer lasts and how well it runs during its life.