Instagram boasts of millions of videos and photos being uploaded every second by millions of registered users on the platform especially celebrities, world leaders, fitness trainers, sports stars etc. Of course you may have come across some lovely pictures or videos on Instagram and wish to download them but not allowed on the platform, then that’s where this apps comes in handy to help you download them. This 6 best applications will help you save or download media from Instagram, be it photos, videos or stories. These applications are all very easy to use and you don’t need any extra knowledge to get started.

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6 Best Apps to Download Instagram Photos and Videos

Find below list for the best apps to download Instagram pictures and videos.

1. Video Downloader for Instagram

Downloading videos on Instagram is an uphill task as you can’t take screenshots of a video and play it later. So what do you do when you see an interesting video on Instagram? You need an app that allows you download videos called “video downloader for Instagram”. It also allows you to copy hashtags from Instagram Posts, and grant you access to download videos directly to your SD Card or Internal storage. You can download the app on Google Playstore or from the link above.

2. InstaSave

Insta save is one of the most popular apps that allows you to save videos and photos. Just as the name implies you get to save videos and photos from Instagram to your SD Card. You can download numerous videos and images using this app. Unlike others, it downloads fast. Its incredible UI is simple to use. Check the heading to download the app or get it on Google Playstore.

3. Repost for Instagram – Regrann

This app allows you to repost any of your friend’s video or image posted on Instagram. Additionally, you can use the app to save photos and videos from Instagram. The interesting part of this app feature is that you can do all this without leaving the Instagram app itself. All you need do is Just click on ‘Copy Share URL’ on the Instagram app and that’s it. You will see the steps to follow on the app. You can Download the app on Google Playstore or directly from the heading link above.

4. Insta Download

The name of this app says it all. Insta download allows you to download Instagram photos and videos in a very simple manner in just one step, as long as you have the link to the video or photo, then that’s all. You can download the app on Google Playstore.

5. Save Reposter for Instagram

Through this amazing application, you can download images and videos directly from Instagram pretty quickly. Following are some of the key features of this fantastic application: You can choose to copy description or only hashtags from a particular post. Through this application, you can view the downloaded images as well as videos in your Android device’s gallery itself. One-click switch from Instagram to this application and vice-versa. Another best thing about this application is that downloading gets processed even in the background. Download Save Reposter for Instagram above.

6. Instagram Photo and Video Downloader

This tool helps every user to download photo and video from Instagram free. The main feature of this tool is downloading photos by hashtags, locations and from separately chosen profiles. Moreover, using this Instagram photo and video downloader, you can download up to 30 photos at the same time choosing “From Profile” mode. That’s all about apps to download Instagram photos & videos on any Android device.

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Do you know of any other app or methods that allows you download photos on Instagram? Let us know.