5G internet is already a reality in the United States, but how is the process in Nigeria? It was not so long ago that 4G began to become popular in Nigeria. Over here, the 3G and 4G bands still share space, with 3G being even more popular than 4G and having greater coverage. However, the world of technology does not stop and a more advanced novelty is already being tested both here and in the United States and Europe. We are talking about the 5G internet, which promises higher speeds and more efficiency in data transfer. During the Mobile World Congress 2017 (MWC 2017), the main event in the telephony sector, held in February in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain, several operators presented their first tests with the new technology. The 5G internet has since been considered the watershed so that the so-called Internet of Things can, in fact, take off once and for all towards popularization.

5G Internet: What Changes?

The first tests with 5G internet started in 2016 in several countries, including Nigeria. The 5G internet is the natural evolution of mobile connections, which are currently divided between 3G and 4G bands. It promises navigation with greater speed, less latency and greater efficiency. We explain what this means in practice. The 5G internet will allow the mobile internet to reach the maximum transfer speed of 10 Gbps – which refers to a speed ten times greater than that provided by 4G connections – which reach 100 Mbps. Another benefit will be the reduction of the connection latency time, that is, the speed of response between the user’s action and the operation itself. Today, 4G latency reaches 50 milliseconds and with 5G it will be possible to reduce that number to 1 millisecond . In other words, by dividing a second into a thousand parts, in 4G you need to wait 50 of them for the action to start. In 5G, you only need to wait for one. Finally, these two features will make the devices’ power consumption lower – increasing the battery life of smartphones and tablets.

The first tests have already started

Several countries are already testing the technical feasibility of deploying the 5G internet. Companies like Intel, Ericsson, Nokia and Huawei, for example, have been testing the efficiency of devices in receiving signals at this speed for a long time. Operators around the world are also testing, but in this case the focus is on the availability of deploying 5G networks around the world. In the United States, consumers will have the opportunity to hire the first 5G internet plans already in 2017. In Nigeria, this scenario is gradually becoming a reality.

National Internet of Things Plan

In Nigeria, NCC has mapped out plans for 5G network deployment and some other network providers including Airtel has pledged its readiness for 5G network. The National Internet of Things Plan is considered the first effective step towards the 5G internet in Nigeria.

5G Internet: a new world of possibilities

As you have already noticed, the 5G internet can be considered a significant technological advance and will allow consumers to enjoy better experiences on their future devices. High quality video transmission (in 4K resolutions or higher), connected home infrastructure and data exchange between connected or autonomous cars are some of the possibilities. The 5G internet should provide even greater ease in the transmission of data on a large scale, the so-called big data, allowing to analyze more appropriately information about traffic, water supply or allowing municipalities to implement computerized solutions that directly impact the lives of citizens.

What are the next steps for 5G internet in Nigeria

In technical terms, tests with the 5G internet are already in the final stage. In the United States, the format went into operation in the second half of 2017. Manufacturers need to prepare new smartphones and tablets so that they are able to receive the 5G signal – something that not all devices today can do. In addition, other equipment such as routers, modems and the local network itself need to be fit for the novelty. In Nigeria, it was first necessary to pass a law that regulates the 5G internet in Nigeria, as well as indicating the infrastructure improvements and the deadlines that the telephone companies will have to implement the changes. It is also necessary to define the conditions for offering the service to the population.

Below are some of the most asked questions on 5G network and the answers.

1. What is the maximum speed of 5G network?

Answer: 10GB/s

2. Why does 5G need Fibre Optics?

Answer: Using wireless transmitters, 5G will be able to transfer data to mobile devices, and many of these transmitters will connect to the internet through fibre optic cable. Fibre will allow you to enjoy the full experience of 5G which includes the provision of secure, scalable, reliable connectivity transmitting massive loads of data at enhanced speeds.

3. How does 5G work?

Answer: This network, as with the current 4G LTE network, is OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing)-based and operates on the same mobile networking principles. However, the new 5G NR (New Radio) air interface will enhance OFDM for more flexibility and scalability.

4. Will 5G be better than Fibre?

Answer: While the 5G network brings with it many benefits – particularly high speed – it will take some time before it can rival the existing fibre networks. Fibre will remain the predominant form of communication for the majority of businesses, but 5G will play an important role in the Internet of Things.

5. Will 5G make WiFi absolete?

Answer: Most expert believe that 5G and WiFi will continue to co-exist for the foreseeable future, with the two networks complementing each other rather than competing. Currently, WiFi – particularly fibre optic connectivity – provides the fastest, most affordable internet connection for home and office use.

6. What is faster than fibre optics?

Answer: No wireless technology is faster than delivered connectivity, although wireless technology does require less infrastructure. 5G technology is also affected by weather and environmental issues, where fibre optic connections are not.

7. What are the benefits of 5G?

Answer: As the latest mobile network support, 5G will allow for the connection of a wide variety of devices beneficial for personal and business use. The 5G network brings with it enhanced performance, efficiency and cost, effectively redefining industries from retail through to entertainment – and everything in between.

8. What are the difference between 4G and 5G networks?

Answer: There are several differences between 4G and 5G, namely:

5G is a unified platform and more capable than 4G 5G uses spectrum better than 4G 5G is faster than 4G 5G has more capacity than 4G 5G has lower latency than 4G

9: What is a private 5G network

Answer: An added benefit of the 5G network is the private 5G option or next generation Local Area Network (LAN). Using the 5G technology, a dedicated network can be created to offer unified connectivity, optimized services and secure communication.

10. Which Industries Will Benefit More from 5G Network

Answer: The benefits of 5G across almost every industry are only being realized, and as network capabilities improve, industries will discover innovative methods through digitization that give a competitive edge and advance every sector.

11. What are the Disadvantages of 5G Network

Answer: 5G Frequency is interrupted by physical obstructions such as trees, towers, walls and buildings and the costs related to the development of 5G infrastructure or adaptations to existing cellular infrastructure will be high. While 5G might bring about real connectivity for the predominantly urban areas, those living in the rural settings will not necessarily benefit from the connection.

12. How 5G plays important role in Internet of Things (IOT)

Answer: These two advancements in internet and technology will work together to drastically improve various sectors of community in a number of ways. Here’s a look at some of the drastic changes we can expect to see.

13. What are the difference Between 5G and Fibre Optics?

Answer: Both communication networks come with a host of associated benefits but there is a misconception that 5G technology will replace fibre. The reality is that 5G wireless networks and fibre optic networks will actually complement each other, both offering a cohesive internet experience.

14. Is 5G Network in Nigeria?

Answer: The network is currently under test as necessary infrastructures needed for its implementation are being setup in the country.