Data backup is the process of saving important data on many devices so that you don’t have to cope with the consequences of data loss. You can access a file on different devices by generating backups. Your data and documents can be saved in a variety of places, including your PC, external memory cards, USB flash drives, and the cloud drive. Despite the fact that data backup is critical, many individuals and businesses fail to take the proper precautions, resulting in costly mistakes. So, if you want to keep your data safe, avoid making the following five typical blunders. Regularly backing up your data on the cloud is the sensible thing to do and should ensure that you help to avoid a potential problem when your system crashes or files are corrupted. However, there are definitely some rules of good housekeeping that are worth following when it comes to backing up on the cloud correctly. Searching for IT support Sydney, for instance, will get you access to some professional help and guidance on how to organize your files in the right way. In the meantime, it is also worth taking a look at some of the most common cloud backup mistakes so that you can try and avoid them.

Make sure you back up all of your data

You think that it is financially prudent to be selective about what you back up on the cloud so that you don’t have to pay for a larger storage plan. That could turn out to be a costly mistake that ends up costing a lot more than the extra price of a bigger storage plan. It is sensible to back up all of your data rather than picking and choosing what you consider to be the most critical files.

Choose the right backup frequency

Backing up every hour or so seems like the most prudent thing to do but that can impair system performance and take up too much space. A sensible approach would be to schedule a daily backup when your system is mostly inactive. It is also a good idea to schedule a weekly or monthly backup as a failsafe option just in case.

Get your folder structure right

Even you don’t organize your files in the right way it is highly likely that cluttered data will have an impact on your cloud backup process. This will make a system or file restore a lot more challenging. A good tip would be to organize your data in clusters that are easy to manage.

Be careful when it comes to restoring files

Another typical cloud backup problem that you need to be aware of is when you attempt file restoration in the wrong way. It is sensible to take precautions when restoring files so that you don’t overwrite other data that you didn’t want to replace. A good way of restoring data would be to copy it to a separate location before copying it to its original intended location once you have checked that you won’t be writing over any files you don’t want to replace.

Always test your backup process

It could be a dangerous policy to just assume that your backup is working fine only to discover there is a problem when you actually want to restore data at some point. Avoid that potential issue by running regular tests that demonstrate your backups are working fine and all the data is being stored correctly. If you can follow these simple but effective basic rules about backing up your data on the cloud it should give the peace of mind and protection that you wanted when you decided to take this action in the first place.