The companies said they became aware of the infringement on 16 October, but it seems the intrusion took place at the end of August 2019. The hackers have exploited a “limited number” of computer systems that allow them to access current and past customer account data. tells that its investigation shows that 22 million documents have been accessed of current and former Network Solutions, and accounts. The information displayed includes name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and customer services details. The companies said that the data on the payment card was not compromised due to the incident. “We store PCI (Payment Card Industry) credit card numbers in accordance with the encryption standard, and don’t consider your credit card data to be vulnerable due to this incident. That being said, your credit card balance is a good practice and we urge you to alert your credit card provider when you see any unusual charges, “he explained. Registrars seem to have found no evidence that passwords have been compromised, but have decided to require all users to reset their passwords as a cautionary measure. Network Solutions, and have launched their e-mail notification of the incidents to affected customers and their websites. The scope of the hacker attack was calculated by a cybersecurity agency. In August of 2015, informed customers that hackers managed to steal personal and credit cards related to some 93,000 accounts following a server infringement. A data breach involving more than half a million payment cards was also disclosed by Network Solutions, but the incident occurred in 2009 and was purchased by