Facebook is indeed the the biggest and most visited social platform in the world, people spend majority of their time-sharing, commenting, uploading pictures and videos, while other uses Facebook as a means of marketing their products online. I’d like to tell you that Facebook is truly the best place to make and meet new friends, on the other hand, Facebook is also a place to meet dangerous people who can harm you. Privacy is a very serious problem when it comes to surfing the web as there are things we should keep away from public eyes. Security experts warn users about the repercussions of using minimal privacy settings on social media.

10. When You’re Leaving Your Home

According to the Huffington Post, you should never post a status letting people know when you are leaving your home, whether it’s for a long vacation or a short night out. Though Facebook does encourage letting people know where you are (using features like Facebook Places), you should be weary of telling people where you are, as your friend list may contain some untrustworthy people. For example, posting “going to the movies with my sweetheart tonight” lets potential thieves know that you will be away from your home for a few hours, which is enough time to physically break into your house.

9. Your Phone Number

It is safer not to put your phone number anywhere on Facebook, whether in your profile or in posts. A few years ago, theHuffington Post published an article describing developer Tom Scott’s app “Evil,” which searches Facebook groups for friends’ phone numbers and then displays them publically. “Evil” is just one example of how your phone number can be obtained to then be either scraped, used in a public phone directory or used by marketers. You should thus beware of “I lost my phone! Please send me your numbers!” posts. you can always drop by to read my articles on my website https://xtrimlaughs.com

10 Things You Should Never Put On Facebook  They Are Extremely Risky    - 7110 Things You Should Never Put On Facebook  They Are Extremely Risky    - 7810 Things You Should Never Put On Facebook  They Are Extremely Risky    - 8110 Things You Should Never Put On Facebook  They Are Extremely Risky    - 5410 Things You Should Never Put On Facebook  They Are Extremely Risky    - 30